The Emotional Bond of the Identical Twins in Dead Ringers


Dead Ringers is a David Cronenberg film that shows a strong emotional bond among identical twins. Their relationship is so deep that both of them study the same, work together, and cannot be distant; not even in death. The arrival of Claire, the woman who is in love with one of them, sets out the need of distance that is lived  as something unexpected  and traumatic.In this article, the subject of the doubles is analized; subject that has been recurrent throughout the film history. It is also analized the mystery and uncertainty that is generated by the emotional and binding bond that links identical twins together.
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Laura Andrea Pérgola

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Departamento de Humanidades Médicas, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Correspondencia: Laura Andrea Pérgola. Departamento de Humanidades Médicas, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina).