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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The quarterly Journal of Medicine and Movies considers for its publication original research papers, submitted in English or Spanish (preferably in both languages) and related to Medicine, Cinema, Literature and other Arts. The author must specifically note that the articles is original.

All the accepted original papers will have the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND): the commercial use of the original paper is not allowed, and nor the production of derivative works. The adoption of this license allows to copy, distribute, execute and communicate the paper openly, giving credits to the author(s), as long as it is not used with commercial purposes and altered or transformed into a work derived from the original one.

Previously published papers will not be accepted, as well as those submitted to another journal at the same time. It is important to remind the authors the mandatory use of «Turnitin Ephorus»


Manuscripts must be processed with Word software and submitted electronically following the instructions provided in

Papers have to be accompanied by a cover letter addressed to the journal’s Editorial Secretary, in which the title of the article has to be included. It is mandatory to set out clearly that the paper has not been previously published and nor been sent to another journal.

It is also important to confirm that authors agree with the content of the work and license the rights of publication. The submission has to contain the following data: Title (in Spanish and English). Full name and surnames of the authors. Full name of each authors’ workplace. Both postal and email address of the author appointed to correspondence.

If the content of the work has been previously presented in a scientific meeting, it is necessary to report its data in the paper. When necessary, people, centers or entities collaborating with or supporting the project should be quoted. Authors are responsible for obtaining the permission of the people or entities mentioned.



The paper will be headed by the title in English and Spanish, in bold and lower case characters followed by the name of the author(s), their workplace(s) and the address appointed to correspondence, including email address.

Generally, the maximum recommended length of the text will be 10 pages (DIN-A4), in Calibri font, size 12 and single-spaced. As a general rule, a maximum of 25 bibliographic references and 3 tables will be accepted, as well as the pictures or figures considered indispensible.

Titles of films and books, just as microorganism’s scientific names, will be written in italics.

Papers must include an abstract in both English and Spanish. The longest extension will be 200 words, and abbreviations or bibliographic references should not be included. It is mandatory to add between 3 and 6 keywords at the end of the abstract, preferably taken from Index Medicus ( or other international indexes.

Films will be accompanied by a summary. fitting the characteristics of the ones previously published in the Journal, and following the data available in

Bibliography will be presented according to the order of appearance in the text, with the corresponding correlative numbering in superscript or brackets, and never linked to the text. The references have to be checked with the original articles and arranged according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ rules.


Letters to the Editor

The contributions about papers that have been previously published in the journal take priority in this section. The maximum length of the text will be 2 pages (DIN-A4), in Calibri font, size 12 and single-spaced. A maximum of 2 pictures or figures, 1 table and 10 bibliographic references will be accepted for its publication. The number of authors must not exceed 4. Title and keywords have to be included in English and Spanish. Bibliography will be presented according to the order of appearance in the text, with the corresponding correlative numbering in superscript or brackets. . The references have to be checked with the original articles and arranged according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ rules.

Medicine in film stills

The aim of this section is to comment on one or several films only leaning on frames. The first page of the paper should include the promotional poster and the data sheet of the movie. The next pages will contain film scenes that reflect the medical problem.



The correspondence with the authors will take place by email. Receipt and acceptance of submitted papers will be confirmed. An editor responsible of the editorial review process will be assigned to each manuscript.

Every single paper will be anonymously revised by expert and independent authors. The Editorial Board will evaluate the comments for each paper, reserving the right to reject those not considered appropriate, and to propose amendments when needed.

When changes are suggested, the authors must remit the new version of the paper by email, as well as a letter presenting all the amendments that have been made in detail.



The designated author will receive the proofs by email, in Spanish and/or English, and must return them corrected in 72 hours maximum. This proofs are intended to identify spelling, typographical or style errors. Amendments that affect the content or modify the original sense of the paper will not be accepted.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.