Medical peep show. El uso de material pornográfico en tratamientos de reproducción asistida y clínicas de fertilidad
Resumen Este trabajo se propone rastrear algunos antecedentes sobre la utilización de pornografía en ambientes clínicos, y plantear preguntas sobre el tipo de consumo que se produce en estos espacios, la materialidad y las disposiciones en las que se envuelve al paciente/espectador. El artículo comienza por una revisión bibliográfica sobre el llamado Porno Positivo (Positive Porn), para luego trazar una breve genealogía de los dispositivos individuales dedicados a material erótico o pornográfico, y avanzar finalmente en una descripción de dispositivos actuales y sus dinámicas en instituciones médicas de Estados Unidos, Argentina y Brasil.
- Referencias
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Hare KA, Gahagan J, Jackson, L, Steenbeek A. Revisualising ‘porn’: how young adults' consumption of sexually explicit Internet movies can inform approaches to Canadian sexual health promotion. Cult. Health. Sex. 2014; 17(3):1-15.
Perrin PC, Madanat HN, Barnes MD, Carolan A, Clark RB, Ivins N, et al. Health education’s role in framing pornography as a public health issue: Local and national strategies with international implications. Promot. Edu. 2008; 15(1):11-18.
Kingston DA, Federoff P, Firestone P, Curry S, Bradford JM. Pornography use and sexual aggression: The impact of frequency and type of pornography use on recidivism among sexual offenders. Aggress. Behav. 2008; 34(1):341-351.
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Gunning T. O retrato do corpo humano: a fotografia, os detetives e os primórdios do cinema. En: Charney L, Schwartz V, editores. O cinema e a invenção da vida moderna. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify; 2001.
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Lane FS. Obscene Profits: Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age. New York: Routledge; 2001.
Baltar M. Real sex, real lives – excesso, desejo e as promessas do real. E-Compós. 2015; 17(3).
Paasonen S. Carnal resonance, affect and online pornography. Cambridge: MIT Press; 2011.
Hare KA, Gahagan J, Jackson, L, Steenbeek A. Revisualising ‘porn’: how young adults' consumption of sexually explicit Internet movies can inform approaches to Canadian sexual health promotion. Cult. Health. Sex. 2014; 17(3):1-15.
Perrin PC, Madanat HN, Barnes MD, Carolan A, Clark RB, Ivins N, et al. Health education’s role in framing pornography as a public health issue: Local and national strategies with international implications. Promot. Edu. 2008; 15(1):11-18.
Kingston DA, Federoff P, Firestone P, Curry S, Bradford JM. Pornography use and sexual aggression: The impact of frequency and type of pornography use on recidivism among sexual offenders. Aggress. Behav. 2008; 34(1):341-351.
World Health Organization. WHO laboratory manual for the examination and processing of human semen. 5th ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2010.
van Roijen JH, Slob AK, Gianotten WL, Dohle GR, van der Zon AT, Vreeburg JT, et al. Sexual arousal and the quality of semen produced by masturbation. Hum. Reprod. 1996; 11(1):147-151. [Internet]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2022. Disponible en:
Gunning T. O retrato do corpo humano: a fotografia, os detetives e os primórdios do cinema. En: Charney L, Schwartz V, editores. O cinema e a invenção da vida moderna. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify; 2001.
Gunning T. The Cinema of Attraction[s]: Early Film, Its Spectator and the Avant-Garde. En: Strauven W, editora. The Cinema of Attractions Reloaded. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press; 2006.
Crary J. Técnicas do observador. Visão e modernidade no século XIX. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto; 2012.
Kluge A. 120 Historias del Cine. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra; 2010.
Lane FS. Obscene Profits: Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age. New York: Routledge; 2001.
Baltar M. Real sex, real lives – excesso, desejo e as promessas do real. E-Compós. 2015; 17(3).
Paasonen S. Carnal resonance, affect and online pornography. Cambridge: MIT Press; 2011.
Gonnet Wainmayer, M. (2023). Medical peep show. El uso de material pornográfico en tratamientos de reproducción asistida y clínicas de fertilidad. Revista De Medicina Y Cine, 19(3), 193–201.
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