Influence of the Lactating Woman’s Diet on the Development of Child Allergies: A Literature Review


Introduction: The increase in allergic diseases in recent years has been associated with genetic and environmental factors, including breast milk feeding, which may prevent allergy or, on the contrary, sensitise to certain allergens, depending on the composition of the milk itself, the infant’s immune system or their epigenetics. The objective of this bibliographic review is to evaluate the level of scientific evidence that currently exists on the impact that maternal diet during breastfeeding has on the prevention or development of allergic diseases in children. Methodology: A bibliographic review has been carried out by consulting PubMed, TripDatabase and Cochrane Library databases for all articles written in English in the last 5 years, reviewing abstracts and complete articles. Discussion: Randomised controlled studies are ethically difficult to conduct, so most published studies are observational and subject to bias. Some studies have found associations between maternal consumption of saturated fats and cow’s milk and a lower prevalence of allergic diseases. However, other reviews conclude that there is insufficient evidence to assert the impact of maternal diet on allergies. Other factors, such as exposure to environmental allergens and genetics, also play a role. Conclusions: The heterogeneity of the results may be because many of the studies are observational and, therefore, do not control the influential external variables well. This could be solved by carrying out more clinical trials that adequately control all these variables.
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