ECoLa MF: Breastfeeding Knowledge Questionnaire for Family Medicine Residents

  • Alejandra Rangel-Junquera
    Universidad Veracruzana
  • Clara Luz Sampieri
  • Karina Gutiérrez Fragoso Gutiérrez Fragoso
    Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Oriente del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Elda María del Rocío Coutiño Rodríguez
    Universidad Veracruzana
  • María Teresa Álvarez Bañuelos
    Universidad Veracruzana
  • Miguel Varela Cardoso
    Universidad Veracruzana
  • Luis Sainz Vázquez
    Universidad Veracruzana


Introduction: The Survey on Knowledge in Lactation (ECoLa) is a validated tool in Spain, in Mexico there is no similar one. Family physicians should promote and support breastfeeding. In Mexico, there are breastfeeding barriers at various levels. The objective was to determine the lactation knowledge and to investigate the vision of the lactation barriers of family medicine residents. Patients and methods: Observational and cross-sectional study carried out during COVID-19 lockdown. Using the adapted instrument, breastfeeding knowledge was determined, classifying it as very insufficient (<55 %, 0-10 points), insufficient (55-69 %, 11-13 points), good (70-85 %, 14-17 points) and excellent (>85 %, 18-20 points). A question was designed to investigate breastfeeding barriers. Results: The mean response was 10.3/20 95 %CI (9.7-11). 58.1 % (n = 72) of the residents scored below 11 points (very insufficient). There were differences in scores according to sex (11.2, 95%CI 10.4-12 vs 9.3, 95 %CI 8.5-10.1, p = 0.001), presence of children (11.4, 95% CI 10.2-12.5 vs 9.8, 95 %CI 9.1- 10.5, p = 0.026) and personal or partner experience in breastfeeding (11.3, 95 %CI 10.2- 12.5 vs 9.8, 95 %CI 9-10.4, p = 0.023). 22.6 % (n = 28) of the residents considered that the information provided in the health services could be a breastfeeding barrier.
  • Referencias
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Rangel-Junquera, A., Sampieri, C. L., Gutiérrez Fragoso, K. G. F., Coutiño Rodríguez, E. M. del R., Álvarez Bañuelos, M. T., Varela Cardoso, M., & Sainz Vázquez, L. (2023). ECoLa MF: Breastfeeding Knowledge Questionnaire for Family Medicine Residents. Revista De Lactancia Materna, 1(1), e31161.