Contradictory Information Regarding the Compatibility of the Vaccine against the new Coronavirus with Breastfeeding


Introduction: At the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, there was contradictory information regarding vaccine compatibility with pregnancy and breastfeeding (technical data sheet, media, health care providers and professionals, etc.) that may have generated doubts or inappropriate decisions in breastfeeding mothers eligible for receiving the vaccine. Objective: To analyse the decisions made by mothers regarding vaccination and breastfeeding, and the origin of the information that could have influenced these decisions. Patients and Methods: Surveys conducted between April and May 2021, through on-line forms, to 280 mothers who, while breastfeeding, had been eligible for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Results: In 45 cases, inappropriate decisions were made based on contrary or contradictory information on the compatibility of the vaccine with breastfeeding: 2 cases weaned and 43 decided not to be vaccinated. 204 mothers were vaccinated and continued breastfeeding, 66 despite receiving contradictory information, with 138 receiving appropriate information. The favourable information on compatibility was received mainly from sources specialized in breastfeeding and the unfavourable came from the media (press, television, internet, etc.). 52 % of the information received from the health sector was favourable and 48 % was unfavourable. Conclusions: Despite the rapid pronouncement of scientific societies in favor of vaccination in breastfeeding mothers, contrary or contradictory information was frequently given on the subject during the first months, which could have conditioned inappropriate decisions such as not vaccinating or weaning.
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Pérez López, A. I., Llinares Ramal, S., Segura Barrachina, S., Bosch Marco, M. T., Ferrándiz Mares, C., Jareño Roglán, E. J., & Albert I Ros, X. (2023). Contradictory Information Regarding the Compatibility of the Vaccine against the new Coronavirus with Breastfeeding. Revista De Lactancia Materna, 2, e30761.

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