About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista de Lactancia Materna is a scientific journal published by eUSAL and promoted by AELAMA (Spanish Association for the Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding), with the support of the IHAN (Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Breastfeeding), whose objective is the dissemination of research works, bibliographic reviews, recommendations and positioning on breastfeeding based on scientific evidence.

Original articles, clinical cases and literature reviews that deal with breastfeeding in a transversal way, in all the disciplines that involve it, including Biomedical research and other fields such as Psychology, Sociology, Education, Law, Economics, will be considered for publication. Environmental Sciences, History or Humanities. Papers on parenting or lactation in other mammals may be considered if their content has implications for human lactation.

Frequency of publication

Annual, continuous mode.

Peer review process

Articles received are evaluated by external reviewers using the system known as «double-blind». (See section «Evaluation process» in the «Submissions» section).

Sections of the journal

Each issue of Revista de Lactancia Materna is divided into several sections:

  1. «Articles»: with an approximate length of between 6,000 and 9,000 words. Submission without format adaptation is allowed until a positive evaluation for publication is obtained.
  2. «Reviews»


Original research papers on the Spanish language in any field of «linguistics» and related disciplines are admitted, with special interest in grammar in a broad sense.

  • iBIC: Ginecología y obstetricia (MJT) / THEMA: Ginecología y obstetricia (MKC)
  • BIC/THEMA: Gynecology and Obstetrics (MJT) / THEMA: Gynecology and Obstetrics (MKC)
  • BISAC: MEDICAL / Gynecology & Obstetrics (MED033000) 

Languages, identification of the text, and authorship


Articles submitted will be published mainly in Spanish, but submissions in other languages (English, French, Portuguese and Italian) will also be accepted.

Identification of texts

Texts must always be identified with the following data:

Title, abstract and keywords (separated by semicolons) in Spanish, English and, if different, in the language in which the text was written.

Published article identifiers

Revista de Lactancia Materna requires authors to be identified in ORCID to standardise the citation of their publications.

Authority control

For their affiliation data, authors must specify:

  1. Name and Surname
  2. E-mail address
  3. ORCID identification number
  4. Higher Institution of work: University
  5. Country

Open access policy

In addition to being published in print (POD), Revista de Lactancia Materna provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of free and public availability of research, thus fostering a greater exchange of global knowledge.

All its contents are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license, which allows third parties to distribute, copy and display the article as long as they cite the authorship of the work and publication in Revista de Lactancia Materna, indicating the specific volume and pages where they found the information. No commercial profit may be made. No derivative works may be created for commercial purposes that are not authorized by the publisher.

No article submission or open access publication (APC) charges

Revista de Lactancia Materna does not charge authors any submission fees, nor does it charge fees for editing and publishing articles.

Permission for self-archiving and digital preservation

Authors are authorised to publish their work on the Internet (e.g. in institutional repositories or personal web pages) always after editing (in no case before revision, layout or even at the proofreading or proofreading stage). These measures are taken in order to encourage reading and citation of the article as well as to achieve a wider and faster dissemination of the published work (see The Effect of Open Access).

The journal is kept in the two main repositories of the University of Salamanca:

Revista de Lactancia Materna uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive among the participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Dissemination in databases

The journal undertakes to provide XML metadata or in other specific formats, immediately after its publication in «eUSAL Revistas» and within three months in order to promote dissemination in databases (Proquest, Ebsco, Elsevier, DOAJ, CrossRef/DOI).

Download statistics

Authors whose articles have been published since October 2020 can see the download statistics in the article file. Authors whose articles were published before this date can request this information from the Editorial Secretary.

Golden road to open knowledge (OPEN ACCESS)

Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca has been following the golden path of Open Access since 2011. The full text of the journal Revista de Lactancia Materna can be downloaded in PDF format, in compliance with Law 14/2011, of 1 June, on Science, Technology and Innovation.


Revista de Lactancia Materna endorses the «San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment» (DORA).

Ethical basis for publication

Manuscripts must be completely unpublished. By submitting their proposals, authors undertake not to have previously published them, either in whole or in part, or in translation into other languages, and not to have submitted them for evaluation/selection in a different publication. Thus, until the evaluation process is completed by Revista de Lactancia Materna, the authors of the proposals undertake not to submit them to other publications.

Manuscripts must be entirely original. All material of outside authorship must be duly attributed to its source, whether it constitutes a literal quotation or is presented in the form of an allusion and/or paraphrase. Revista de Lactancia Materna uses computer resources for the identification of non-original material and works (Turnitin Ephorus software, among other resources). The detection of sources not duly cited will result in the automatic rejection of the article, regardless of the receipt of positive reports. Likewise, the author's own previously published materials that are cited or alluded to with the corresponding reference should also be noted.

Revista de Lactancia Materna is governed by the ethical bases inspired by the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines).

Journal's responsibility

Neither Revista de Lactancia Materna nor the people who make up the journal are responsible, under any circumstances, for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors, nor are they responsible for the credibility and authenticity of the works published in the journal, the responsibility for which lies exclusively with the authors.

Authors wishing to include images, figures, tables, etc. published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright owner for their reproduction in print and online, and include the express reference that such permission has been granted. Any material that does not include such a reference will be assumed to originate from the authors of the work published in Revista de Lactancia Materna.

About copyright © and cc by-nc-sa

Authors publishing in Revista de Lactancia Materna accept the following conditions:

Authors retain copyright © and assign to Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca the right of publication, under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence, which allows third parties to distribute, copy and display the article as long as they cite the authorship of the work and publication in Revista de Lactancia Materna, indicating the specific volume and pages where they found the information. No commercial profit may be made. No derivative works may be created for commercial purposes that are not authorized by the publisher.

Authors may make other independent and additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in the journal provided that they clearly state that the work was published in Revista de Lactancia Materna, indicating the exact and complete details of the edition.

The journal information will be provided to Sherpa / Romeo, Dulcinea, etc.

Registration of the source of funding of published articles

It is recommended to indicate the funding agencies external to the USAL, stating the codes of the projects within the framework of which the research that has led to the publication of the article has been carried out. Once the work has been accepted for publication, the author must include this information in the first footnote, marked with an asterisk.

Commitment to the research of new authors, and to those coming from developing countries

Revista de Lactancia Materna journal supports research by authors or research teams from developing countries and first-time authors from all over the world.

Good editorial practices in gender equality

Revista de Lactancia Materna journal adopts the following commitments in relation to the fulfilment of good editorial practices in terms of gender equality:

Its commitment to achieving parity in its various governing and advisory boards (Direction, Editorial Secretary, Editorial Board, Advisory Board and Reviewers).

The inclusion of the full name (not only initials) of the authors of the papers and of those cited in the list of bibliographical references.

Adherence to the United Nations objective of "expressing oneself orally and in writing without discriminating against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and without perpetuating gender stereotypes" (https://www.un.org/es/gender-inclusive-language/index.shtml), always respecting and complying with the rules of grammatical correctness of the linguistic system and pragmatic appropriateness, and with the principles of economy of language (RAE Position of 16 January 2020, § 8.1).

Use of interoperability protocols

The OAI-PMH protocol is used with the path https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/lamater/oai/.