Giere’s Contributions to Reflecting on Science Education


Ronald N. Giere, in his long career as a philosopher, was interested in reflecting on the teaching of disciplines with the aid of ideas such as: model-theoretical reconstruction, perspectivism, models as maps, theoretical hypotheses and (cognitive-) agent-based didactics. Such reflections, together with his very influential “explanation of science” structured around theoretical models and modelling, are useful for teachers and researchers in science education in order to design science teaching in the different educational levels that fosters autonomous and critical thinking among students. For us, Giere’s main contribution to think about science education is related with providing input to construct a teaching model that considers students as agents capable of rigorously thinking on the world because they accept incorporating theories to which they give authentic meaning in what they can do in that world in accordance with their own perspective of intervention. Giere’s naturalistic analysis, which intends to show us the work of scientists as it is executed, may be transposed in order to characterise school science as a justified and self-correcting way of understanding that involves the appropriation of theoretical models that are collective heritage.
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Izquierdo Aymerich, M., & Adúriz-Bravo, A. (2021). Giere’s Contributions to Reflecting on Science Education. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 10(1), 75–87.


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