Organisms, Machines and Bioartifacts. Problems and Variants in G. Simondon’s View


The main intention of this work is to investigate diverse modalities of the organism / artifact analogy from the point of view of its implications for the philosophy of technology, specifically in order to illuminate what we call the internal nature of technical objects. In this context the guiding question is to determine to what extent this analogy between organism and technical object is useful, and when it is prudent to leave it aside. In order to answer these questions we will critically analyze the intuitions of Gilbert Simondon, a French philosopher who, in the mid-twentieth century, made original contributions regarding the mode of existence of technical objects through an extensive and complex series of comparisons with the world of the living beings. This paper intends to explore some tensions within the Simondon’s vocabulary while it suggests some strategies to avoid his main difficulties.
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Parente, D. (2019). Organisms, Machines and Bioartifacts. Problems and Variants in G. Simondon’s View. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 8(1), 6–23.


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Author Biography

Diego Parente

CONICET / Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
Profesor del Departamento de FilosofíaFacultad de HUmanidadesUniversidad Nacional de Mar del PlataARGENTINA