Education and Science: Tau of Territorial Development and Competitiveness in Colombia
Abstract Based on the construction of a database that links territorial development and competitiveness and using multiple regression, which resists adjustments and benefits as an appropriate model to be used in this research, it is intended to answer: how does education and science, articulated to the formation of human talent, on the development and competitiveness of Colombian departmental ?, finding, for example, each percentage point, on average, that increased coverage in secondary in each department the competitiveness improves by 0.016 points percentages; likewise, for each percentage point, on average, the increase in university educational coverage among the population aged 17 to 21 years, competitive inequality is reduced by 0.057 percentage points in the region; and for each percentage point, on average, that is invested to carry out Science, Technology and Innovation Activities in the departments, competitiveness grows by 0.134 percentage points.
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