Objectivity and Rationality in Scientific Knowledge Economy


The paper presents the general lines of an "economy of scientific knowledge", and specifically an approach from the social studies of science based on the application of game theory to the analysis of scientific interactions and institutions. The paper will analyze in what sense and to what extent an approach of this kind can be useful to answer the classic questions about the rationality and objectivity of scientific knowledge. These issues are exemplified with the application of game theory to three different situations: the choice of standards or quality standards in science, the choice of a theory, and the "social construction" of a scientific fact.
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Author Biography

Jesús Zamora Bonilla

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Licenciado en Filosofía, Licenciado en CC. Económicas, Doctor en Filosofía y Doctor en CC. Económicas, por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.Decano de la Facultad de Filosofía, Catedrático de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Director del postgrado en Periodismo y comunicación científica, UNED. Co-Investigador Principal (con David Teira) del Proyecto I+D Estatal FFI2014-57258-P (2015-2017): Inferencias e Interferencias Normativas en la Actividad Científica. Co-editor (con Ian Jarvie) del SAGE Handbook of the Philosophy of the Social Science (2011). Creador de DivulgaUNED.Algunas de sus publicaciones:- La lonja del saber. Introducción a la economía del conocimiento científico (Madrid, Servicio de publicaciones de la UNED, 2003).- Mentiras a medias. Unas investigaciones sobre el programa de la verosimilitud (Madrid, Servicio de publicaciones de la U.A.M., 1996).- La caverna de Platón y los cuarenta ladrones (A Coruña, Le Pourquois-pas?, 2011).- The economics of scientific knowledge (a survey), in The Elsevier Handbook in the Philosophy of Science, 2012.- The nature of co-authorship. A note on recognition-sharing and scientific argumentation, Synthèse, 2014.- Science: the rules of the game, The Logic Journal of ILPS, 2010.- What games do scientists play? Rationality and objectivity in a game-theoretic approach to the social construction of scientific knowledge, EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association, 2009.- The rationality of science and the rationality of scientists, Studia Metodologizne, 2016.- Optimal judgement aggregation, Philosophy of Science, 2007.- Rhetoric, Induction and the Free Speech Dilemma, Philosophy of Science, 2006.- Science Studies and the Theory of Games, Perspectives on Science, 2006.- Entre otros.