Modern disinhibition: a policy history of the Anthropocene
Abstract In 2002, the chemist Paul Crutzen proposed the term Anthropocene to describe the new geological era in which we find ourselves. This is a new period marked by the radical anthropogenic disturbance of the ecological balance and climate. How did you get our societies in this new era? What description may be up to a whole respond to what is at stake in the contemporary environmental crisis? And what would be this History? What would be the questions, paradigms, actors, scales of analysis or chronology? The aim of this paper is to propose some reflections, build some considerations and remove certain obstacles in the light of recent changes in Environmental History, Cultural History and the History of Science and Technology.
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Fressoz, J.-B. (2011). Modern disinhibition: a policy history of the Anthropocene. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 4, 67–84. Retrieved from
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