Asymmetries and Interactions. An epistemological and conceptual framework for research on Public Communication of Science
Abstract Current research in the field of Public Communication of Science is going through a period of transition from the traditional programme, centered on the public deficit model to another, focused on issues of dialogue, discussion and debate between science and society. The aim of this article is to present a set of new and original questions of interest that arises from the exam of the constraints that shapes those interactions between the experts, the public and the interfaces, derived from their epistemic asymmetry and cultural heterogeneity. The line of argument articulates conceptual issues that belong to the epistemology of testimony and the theory of social representations, in order to understand the way scientific knowledge may be socially shared under those conditions. In addition, results from an empirical study are presented to prove the heuristic value of the conceptual frame proposed.
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Cortassa, C. G. (2011). Asymmetries and Interactions. An epistemological and conceptual framework for research on Public Communication of Science. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 3(1), 151–185. Retrieved from
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