Open industrial technology design through the hybrid peer production modality

Functions and limits for endogenous development. The case of the Computadora Industrial Abierta Argentina (CIAA)


Since the early 1990s, a set of production processes developed on digital platforms revealed the emergence and expansion of an organisational modality: peer production. There are at least four ideal types of peer production. Among those that meet the characteristic of low centralisation in the control of the collaborative platform by an institution is hybrid peer production, which is distinguished by the participation of for-profit and non-profit actors. The aim of this paper is to describe the implementation of such an organisational form in the design of digital artefacts intended to serve as means of industrial production, and to analyse its functions and limits for endogenous development. From the perspective of cognitive materialism and in dialogue with Latin American thinking on science, technology and development, the problem is approached from the case of the informational production process of the Computadora Industrial Abierta Argentina (CIAA), which began in 2013 in Argentina. The discussion of the results shows an emerging tension between positions that imply different answers to why and for whom open industrial technology is designed under this organisational modality in developing countries.
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