Transhumanism and Prenatal Genetic Modification: a Case of Totalitarian Eugenics?


Nick Bostrom, pioneer of transhumanism as a philosophical movement, stipulates two assumptions within its human improvement project: (1) that it is a liberal project (i.e., that it does not coerce human beings) and (2) that it is a neutral project (i.e., free of political, economic, and ideological interests). In this paper I will show that (1) and (2) are false. In that sense, I will argue that transhumanism is, in its ideals, a project of eugenics or "liberal" human improvement. However, in its realization and in some of its arguments, it becomes a "totalitarian" eugenics or enhancement project. This is so because the transhumanist project contains an element of totalitarian eugenics: coercion. In order to make this clear, I put forward three arguments and expose a case of human enhancement endorsed by transhumanists from the synthetic biology approach: prenatal ethical gene modification. This case is important because it shows how an external agent makes decisions (coerces) on another. For this reason, I propose the creation of a bioethics committee whose main objective is to analyze the arguments and motivations of parents to modify their child(ren) in the embryonic stage, giving space to an exercise of deliberative democracy among different actors of society.
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