Modernity, Technology and Region. Telephony and its Imprint in South-Central Cuba (1882-1930)


This article addresses the historical connections between modernity and technology from a regional perspective. Specifically, it aims to explain the technical, organizational and cultural aspects that distinguished the introduction and expansion of telephony as an expression of the deployment of modernity in Cienfuegos, a Cuban region in the transition between the end of Spanish colonial rule and the first decades of the republican period. First, it analyzes the genesis and transfer of telephony within the influence of American modernity on Cuba and the historical links of dependence towards the North American country, which turned it into an expeditious transmitter of technological innovations and other achievements to the Island. Then, the technical and organizational aspects of the deployment of telephony in the regional context of Cienfuegos are presented in stages. Finally, there is an approach to the cultural aspect and the social meanings generated by this technological practice in the region, associated to the economic-commercial activity, social hierarchization, intra-regional integration, communication and its use as a tool of political control that limited the national sovereignty under the management of the American Cuban Telephone Company.
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