Representations as Systems
Abstract One of the problems that are often indicated as a criticism of different forms of representationalism is the difficulty of finding definitions that are neither semantic nor realist in a simple sense. The present work tackles this class of critiques from a contextualist point of view, assuming those semantic aspects that are necessary for a concept of representation, but showing that semantic relations of representation should neither be static, nor strictly referential in a classical and realist sense. Two distinctions are crucial for our proposal: On the one hand, we have the distinction between closed and open systems; on the other, a tripartite distinction between structural, informational and semantic representations. On this basis, we understand representations in terms of asymmetric variations between contextual models.
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Céspedes, E., & Valdivia, C. (2022). Representations as Systems. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 11(1), 23–37. (Original work published May 17, 2022)
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