Under Observation: Artificial Intelligence, Facial Recognition and Biases

  • Tomás Balmaceda
    Universidad de Buenos Aires, / IIF/ SADAF – CONICET tomasbalmaceda[at]gmail.com
  • Tobías Schleider
  • Karina Pedace


In this paper we concentrate on facial recognition technology and emphasize that in recent decades, the idea that this type of technology is “objective” and devoid of human errors and biases has been installed in public discourse, assigning it any responsibility to the “good or bad use” that is made of it. Faced with this rhetoric, we argue that when it comes to talking about technological artifacts, neutrality is impossible, even in the very instance of design. To this end, based on the ideas of North American pragmatism, we analyze a real case to show that it is not possible to sustain a dichotomy between facts and values, and that it is necessary to recognize that there is no sharp distinction between the design of technology and the use that we make of it.
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