Cell phones and cancer, a scientifictechnological public discussion


This article refers to the scientifictechnologic-public debate, in Europe and the United States, about the effects of the radio frequencies emitted by the stations of mobile phones over public health. This conflict is still valid, because of the different evidences presented by each of the contenders. Those contenders are, on one hand, the physics, and on the other hand, the doctors, biologists and epidemiologists, who try to establish a cause-effect relationship between the technology of mobile phones and the affectation of public health, through several researches. Also, it is important the analysis of the public perception of the risks of this technology, and the roll of the regulation entities and experts in the adoption of public policies in these matters. Finally, it is siginificant to explain how the evidences are interpreted by each of the contenders.
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Uribe Valencia, Y. (2015). Cell phones and cancer, a scientifictechnological public discussion. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 5(1), 151–184. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cinco/index.php/artefactos/article/view/12427


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Author Biography

Yamile Uribe Valencia

Universidad de Salamanca
Instituto Universitario de Estudios de la Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad de Salamanca, Residencia Universitaria "Colegio de Oviedo". C/ Alfonso X, s/n. Campus Miguel de Unamuno. 37007 Salamanca (España)