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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • Attach the same article in the two required file formats: .docx and PDF.
  • The text complies with the journal format described in AUTHOR GUIDELINES.
  • I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions specified in AUTHOR and  PUBLICATION ETHICS.

Author Guidelines

ArtefaCToS publishes original articles and book reviews in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Authors must SUSCRIBE and register an “author” account. Then they can  START SESSION.

Important: At the time of subscribing, please indicate your ORCID ID (if you have one). You can include it later by editing your personal data.

Submissions should adopt the following format:



Preparation of the manuscript

  • Manuscripts should be sent ready for double blind review (no name, institutional affiliation or other references to the author).
  • The text of the article must be presented in both .docx and PDF formats.
  • The structure and order of the paper must be rigorously respected and is as follows:

1. Title in original language (if English, you must translate it into Spanish)

2. Abstract in original language (if English, you must translate it into Spanish)

3. Keywords in the original language (if English, you must translate them into Spanish). They should include at least 5 words that are not included in the title

4. Title in English

5. Abstract in English

6. Keywords in English. At least 5 that are not included in the title

7. Introduction

8. Body of the paper: with titled sections (and subsections).

9. Conclusion

10. Bibliographic references.

  • Length: maximum length is 10,000 words including the abstract, footnotes and references.
  • Page size must be A4, single spaced and on one side of the page only.
  • If the manuscript includes images they should be attached in a separate file in high quality jpg format. If the images are not sufficiently clear, the editors reserve the right to exclude them from the publication. The author must also send the corresponding permission to use the image if it does not belong to the author or is not free of copyright
  • The author must clear the file of metadata in order to guarantee the blind review.

To clear metadata from an individual file in Windows, access the properties of the file: go to File, Info, Check for problems, Inspect document, and then click on Inspect (all the boxes in the list must be selected). Review the list of results and start cleaning by clicking Remove all, where necessary. Finally, close the window and save the document again.

In some versions of Word this option is found in: the Microsoft Office button (main menu), Prepare, Inspect document..


Typographic format

  • Title, text of the article and bibliography in Garamond font, size 17 point and single line spacing. Abstract in Garamond font, size 12 points.
  • Abstract of the article, maximum length of 200 words.
  • The different sections of the text should be numbered and in bold. The subsections should be numbered and in italics.
  • Neither bold nor underlining should be used inside the text.
  • Footnotes in Garamond font, size 10, single line spacing
  • Do not indent the beginning of paragraphs.


Bibliographic references

• Bibliographic references should appear at the end of the document under the heading of "References" and organized in alphabetical order.
• IMPORTANT: References must include the name of the author, not just an initial.
• The style standard of the journal is APA, except in cases expressly indicated in these standards.
• Wherever possible, indicate DOI registration for references (after "doi:").
• Only those publications that have been used for the manuscript and that are specifically cited in the work should be included.

According to the style indicated, the bibliographical references must be inserted within the text, indicating in parentheses only the author's surname, year of publication and the page (s). Example:

 (Hempel, 1970: 8); (Cuevas, 2016. 60-65) 

If more than one work is used in the same citation: 

(Suppes, 1954; 1957).

If the author has more than one publication per year, differentiate them with small letters accruing to their order of appearance. Example:

(Frege, 1879a; 1879b); (Frege, 1879b, p. 34)

When the book cited has more than one author:

Two authors:    (Frege & Dedekind, 1879: 44);

Three authors:    (Frege, Dedekind & Peano, 1879: 44);

More than three:     (Frege et al, 2006).

The bibliography should come at the end of the article in alphabetical order, repeating the surnames in the case of several books or articles by the same author, followed by the year of publication corresponding to the bibliographic reference indicated in the article. Texts by the same author must be ordered according to their order of appearance.

Examples of formatting:


Surname(s), Name(s) (year). Title. City: Publisher.

One author: 

Carnap, Rudolf (1947). Meaning and Necessity. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Two authors:

Peacocke, T. A. H. & Spice, J. E. (1967). Atomic and Nuclear Chemistry. Atomic Theory and Structure of the Atom. New York: Pergamon Press. 

Three authors:

Lorenzen, Paul & Lorenz, Kuno & Rahman, Shahid (1978). Dialogische Logik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 

Book with editor(s):

Scerri, Eric & McIntyre, Lee (eds.) (2015). Philosophy of Chemistry. Growth of a New Discipline. Dordrecht: Springer.

Book chapters:

Lombardi, Olimpia (2011). Mecánica cuántica: ontología, lenguaje y racionalidad. En Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz y Ambrosio Velasco Gómez (eds.), Racionalidad en Ciencia y Tecnología. Nuevas Perspectivas Iberoamericanas. México: UNAM, pp. 327-335.

One author:

Carnap, Rudolf (1947). Sinn und Bedeutung. In John Smith (ed.), Meaning and Necessity. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Two authors:

Klimovsky, Gregorio & Boido, Guillermo (2005). Las desventuras del conocimiento matemático. Filosofía de la matemática: una introducción. Buenos Aires: AZ Editora.


Journal articles

One author:

Stegmuller, Wolfgang (1974). Dinámica de teorías y comprensión lógica. In Teorema, vol. IV, 4, 513-553.

Two authors:

Carnap, Rudolf & Frege, Gottlob (1901). Der Gedanke. In Journal of Philosophy, vol. 2, 4, Berlin: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

Online references:

Valladares, Diego (2011). Modelos y Ficciones. In Revista de epistemología. Consulta 12 de enero de 2016:


Citations within the text of the manuscript (APA)

All quotations from sources in other languages must be translated into the language of the article. In exceptional cases, quotations in the original language are accepted, as well as translation when relevant for the discussion or analysis.

When the quotation has less than 40 words, it should be included within the text, in quotation marks and without italics. A period (full stop) should be written at the end of the quotation and its data. 

If the citation has more than 40 words, the text is written as a block, without quotation marks, on a separate line, with indentation. At the end of the quotation the period is placed before the data.



Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered consecutively. The number and extension of footnotes should be reduced to a minimum and the clarifications should be specific. Bibliographic references or citations should not be included in the footnotes.

Tables, graphs, figures and charts

• Tables or charts should be presented in the body of the text.

• They must be accompanied by their corresponding title and legend and numbered consecutively, in Garamond font and size 10 point.

• The figures or graphs should be presented in high quality PNG or JPEG files.


Manuscripts submitted shall be subjected to expert criteria, as described in the PEER REVIEW PROCESS.



Artefactos will publish reviews of recently published books or collections (current year and the two preceding years) in the specific thematic areas of the journal. The books may be written in different languages.

The review should show the level of academic importance of the book, its current status and how it can be useful to researchers or professionals in the area.


• The author can choose the structure she or he considers most appropriate for the review (comment by chapters, by thematic blocks, etc.).

• In the header you must include the book and author data (according to APA standards).

• The name and affiliation data of the review author must appear on the last page of the same.

• The maximum length will be 1500 words, in Garamond 12 font and single line spacing.


Reseñas de libros y excepcionalmente de artículos relacionados con el contenido general de la revista

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The names and email addresses entered in this platform will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or person.