Determination of the phenolic composition of Eragrostis tef

  • Ana López Pérez
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • Susana González Manzano
    Universidad de Salamanca susanagm[at]


Eragrostis tef is an Ethiopian cereal with edible grain. There are two commercial teff varieties defined by the color of their seed; netch (white) and qey (red / brown). The recent interest in western countries for teff is based on their gluten-free composition and their appreciated nutritional advantages. The present work aims to characterize the polyphenolic profile of the Eragrostis tef grain. Therefore, the phenolic compounds present in the two varieties were identified and quantified by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography with double detection by diode spectrophotometry and mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MS). The revised literature describes the polyphenols in Eragrostis tef as non-flavonoids. In contrast, in this study flavones have been identified, in particular, luteolin and apigenin derivatives. The number of flavones tentatively identified in this study was 10, almost all of them identified in this work for the first time.
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López Pérez, A., & González Manzano, S. (2018). Determination of the phenolic composition of Eragrostis tef. FarmaJournal, 3(1), 99–110. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Susana González Manzano

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de química analítica, nutrición y bromatología. Facultad de Farmacia, Campus Miguel de Unamuno 37007 Salamanca, España. 