Epidemiological study of overweight and obesity in adolescents


Overweight is a disease which is becoming more frequent among children and adolescents, this high growth is due to a less healthy type of nutrition and way of life.This paper describes the characteristics of two groups of population, acording to age, in children and adolescents, who did a survey of 23 questions where data were extracted in order to anwser questions such as: ¿Which group of population has more prevalence of overweight and obesity? ¿What factors are the most influential in overweight? ¿ Is there relation between IMC and the time spent doing physical activity? ¿ Does the habit of smoking influences in overweight?
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Author Biography

Ramona Mateos

Universidad de Salamanca
Área de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública. Departamento de Ciencias Biomédicas y del Diagnóstico. Facultad de Farmacia.