Subglotic Stenosis as manifestation in Wegener’s Disease. A case report
Abstract Introduction and objective: Subglottic stenosis in Wegener’s disease (WD) represents a diagnostic challenge because it’s ability to be the unique manifestation. Description: A case of subglottic GW described in a woman 14 years. Discussion: Subglottic stenosis secondary to Wegener’s disease use to be associated with ENT symptoms, so these can give us the etiological suspicion. In the absence of these, we should include it in the differential diagnosis and try a histopathologic confirmation. Conclusions: In an isolated subglottic stenosis, rule Wegener's disease performing a biopsy of nasal mucosa and two serology tests.
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Horta-Baas G, Hernández-Cabrera MF, Catana R, Pérez-Cristóbal M, Barile-Fabris LA. Estenosis subglótica en granulomatosis con poliangitis (granulomatosis de Wegener): presentación de 4 casos. Reumatol Clin 2016;12:267-73.
Meraldi A, Bosio M, Campos J, Décima T, Quadrelli S, Borsini E. Estenosis subglotica idiopatica, reporte de un caso. Rev Am Med Resp. 2014; 3:323-7.
Olavarría C, Mu-oz D. Estenosis subglótica secundaria a granulomatosis de Wegener: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura. Rev. Otorrinolaringol. Cir. Cabeza Cuello. 2009;69:137-44.
Stanford C. Taylor et al. Clinical Manifesta-tions and Treatment of Idiopathic and Wegener Granulomatosis–Associated Subglottis Stenosis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(1):76-81.
Taylor SC, Clayburgh DR, Rosenbaum JT, Schindler JS. Clinical manifestations and treatment of idiopathic and Wegener granu-lomatosis-associated subglottic stenosis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(1):76-81.
Horta-Baas G, Hernández-Cabrera MF, Catana R, Pérez-Cristóbal M, Barile-Fabris LA. Estenosis subglótica en granulomatosis con poliangitis (granulomatosis de Wegener): presentación de 4 casos. Reumatol Clin 2016;12:267-73.
Meraldi A, Bosio M, Campos J, Décima T, Quadrelli S, Borsini E. Estenosis subglotica idiopatica, reporte de un caso. Rev Am Med Resp. 2014; 3:323-7.
Olavarría C, Mu-oz D. Estenosis subglótica secundaria a granulomatosis de Wegener: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura. Rev. Otorrinolaringol. Cir. Cabeza Cuello. 2009;69:137-44.
Stanford C. Taylor et al. Clinical Manifesta-tions and Treatment of Idiopathic and Wegener Granulomatosis–Associated Subglottis Stenosis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(1):76-81.
Taylor SC, Clayburgh DR, Rosenbaum JT, Schindler JS. Clinical manifestations and treatment of idiopathic and Wegener granu-lomatosis-associated subglottic stenosis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;139(1):76-81.
Valle-Olsen, S., Cabanás-Vega, R., Cazorla-Ramos, Óscar E., & Pérez-Arcos, J. (2017). Subglotic Stenosis as manifestation in Wegener’s Disease. A case report. Revista ORL, 8(1), 61–64.
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