Endoscopic surgery in a child with unilateral choanal atresia

  • Diego Hellín-Meseguer
    Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.
  • Pablo Melgarejo-Moreno
    Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia. pmelgarejo3[at]gmail.com
  • Carmen Álvarez-Santacruz
    Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.
  • Fares Ghani
    Hospital Universitario Santa María. Lleida.
  • Javier Galindo-Ortego
    Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.


Introduction and objective: Choanal atresia is rare, being twice as common in women than in men, and in 50% of cases approximately it is associated with other congenital anomalies. Although there has been some controvesia about the treatment of choice of this malformation, in the last decade, the introduction of endoscopes in sinus surgery has improved the outcome. Case description: We report the case of a child who has left chronic rhinorrhea with persistent nasal obstruction. By endoscopy and CT diagnosis, left choanal atresia is confirmed. Unilateral choanal atresia endoscopic surgery is performed by creating flaps with intranasal mucosa, preventing nasal packing. Discussion: Different techniques have been considered for the treatment of choanal atresia, which include traditional and endoscopic approach. The results of endoscopic surgery in the choanal atresia vary according to different authors. The two most important aspects of these results are the creation of nasal mucosa flaps and avoiding nasal packing. Conclusions: Surgical treatment of unilateral choanal atresia by endoscopic surgery can reduce the risk of restenosis.
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Hellín-Meseguer, D., Melgarejo-Moreno, P., Álvarez-Santacruz, C., Ghani, F., & Galindo-Ortego, J. (2016). Endoscopic surgery in a child with unilateral choanal atresia. Revista ORL, 7(1), 45–48. https://doi.org/10.14201/orl.13619

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Author Biographies

Diego Hellín-Meseguer

Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.
Universidad Católica de Murcia. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Murcia. España

Pablo Melgarejo-Moreno

Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.
Universidad Católica de Murcia. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Murcia. España

Carmen Álvarez-Santacruz

Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.
Universidad Católica de Murcia. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Murcia. España

Fares Ghani

Hospital Universitario Santa María. Lleida.
Hospital Universitario Santa María. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Lleida. España

Javier Galindo-Ortego

Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Murcia.
Universidad Católica de Murcia. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Murcia. España