Updating the treatment of recurrent tonsillitis in adults. Review


Introduction and Objectives: Acute pharyngitis in adults (APA) is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in primary care. The main objective of this review is to update the therapeutic options for the prevention and treatment of APA and to determine which interventions have the greatest impact in reducing morbidity and improving the quality of life of patients, which directly affects the consumption of health resources. Material and Methods: First clinical criteria of the FAA, indications of tonsillectomy and patterns of antibiotic therapy according to clinical guidelines of national and international scientific societies were defined. Subsequently, the literature related to the treatment of the FAA including other therapeutic options not covered in previous clinical guidelines (P. Leucotomos extract, vaccination by the mucosal route, AM3 and beta-glucans, homeopathy and herbal medicine) was revised. ClinicalKey bases and PubMed data were used. Results: The comparison of the studies was difficult due to the disparity of criteria for inclusion and diagnostics, sample sizes, time tracking and poor uniformity in the clinical scales measuring variations. Conclusions: Therefore we cannot conclude whether a therapeutic option is more effective than another in the treatment and prevention of adult APA.
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Author Biographies

María Cristina Gascón-Rubio

SACYL. Burgos.
SACYL. Hospital Santiago Apóstol. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Miranda de Ebro. Burgos. España.

Albino José Alonso-Alonso

SACYL. Hospital Santiago Apóstol. Servicio de Otorrinolaringología. Miranda de Ebro. Burgos. España.