Vestibular rehabilitation in older people with vestibular dysfunction


Introduction and objective: Dizziness and imbalance are common symptoms in the elderly and have a great impact on their quality of life. Method: Narrative review. Results: Main factors that condition instability in the elderly and the impact of falls are reviewed, as well as the most profitable tests in diagnosis. Finally, the need to perform a multidisciplinary approach was discussed, highlighting the importance of vestibular rehabilitation in the treatment of these disorders. Conclusions: Instability in the elderly is multifactorial and not only due to physiological reasons. Hence the need to identify precipitating factors, treat them if possible and carry out a multidisciplinary approach that minimizes the morbidity and mortality associated with this process and improve their quality of life. Vestibular rehabilitation can significantly ameliorate balance in the elderly with instability which would lead to a significant reduction in falls.
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Author Biographies

Virginia Franco-Gutiérrez

Facultativo especialista de área de Otorrinolaringología.Hospital Carmen y Severo Ochoa. Cangas del Narcea. Asturias

Paz Perez-Vázquez

Hospital de Cabueñes
Facultativo especialista de área de Otorrinolaringología.Hospital de Cabueñes. Gijón. Asturias