Antia-Buch flap reconstruction for helical rim defects. Case report


Introduction and objective: The Antia-Buch flap is a procedure in which two chondrocutaneous flaps are used to reconstruct the helicial region of the auricular pinna. The laxity of the tissue is conferred, to a large extent, by the inferior flap and the chondrocutaneous resection of the scafa is required for closure. This results in the loss of the height of the ear. Our objective is to perform the exeresis of a medium-sized lesion without compromising the morphology of the auricular pinna. Description: We performed an Antia-Buch flap reconstruction in a patient with spinocellular carcinoma of the right helix.Results: Squamous cell carcinoma with free margins was removed obtaining a good aesthetic result of the auricular pinna. Discussion: The Antia-Buch flap is used for medium size defects of the helicial region. Among the different surgical steps, highlight the V-Y discharges to avoid tension in the tissues and conserve the perichondrium of the flap for chondral nutrition. Conclusions: Technique in which good aesthetic results are obtained, without compromising the radicality of the excision.
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Salom Coveñas, C., Haro-García, M., & Porras-Alonso, E. (2019). Antia-Buch flap reconstruction for helical rim defects. Case report. Revista ORL, 10(4), 309–312.

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Author Biographies

Carmen Salom Coveñas

Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real. Cádiz
Residente de cuarto año de otorrinolaringología del Hospital universitario de Puerto Real, Cádiz

Matilde Haro-García

Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real. Cádiz
Matilde Haro García