Review of the treatment of linguistic sequelae in patients undergo-ing surgery with intraoperative language mapping


Introduction and Objectives: The approach of speech therapy in patients with tumors of the central nervous system intervened by intraoperative language mapping technique begins in the postsurgical phase in an early manner, rehabilitating the possible linguistic outcomes. The speech therapist bases his intervention based on the information collected in the clinical history and in the assessments made by phoniatrics in each phase. In addition, it considers the different therapeutic approaches, the objectives and intervention strategies to propose the most adapted treatment to the needs of the patient. Patients operated by intraoperative mapping technique present few linguistic deficits compared to those operated by traditional techniques. The most frequent outcomes affect production presenting varied pictures of anomie with semantic, phonological and phonetic paraphasias, perseverations, slowness and speech blocks. The usual treatment of these patients is presented following the pragmatic and cognitive-neurolinguistic approach. Method: Narrative Review. Results: The treatment is personalized and of shorter duration. Conclusions: It is important to know this technique in depth and to theoretically base the intervention in order to approach the patient with better results.
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