Quality of life in family and children with cochlear implants and hearing aids


Introduction: The KINDL questionnaire is used on a recurrent basis to estimate the quality of life (QoL) and the effects of well-being in the daily activities of children. The aim of this study: was to discover how children with cochlear implants (CI) or hearing aids (A) recognize their quality of life (QoL) and compare their self-reports and parents' reports on their QoL. Material and method: The sample of children with CI (n=187) and A (n=113) and their parents of children with CI (n=115) and parents of children with A (n=29) answered, respectively, the KINDL versions for children or parents. A one-way MANOVA was applied to determine if there were differences between the independent groups (children and parents) in more than one continuous dependent variable (KINDL dimensions), an intraclass correlation coefficient to see to what extent several quantitative measures of KINDL agreed. In addition, we calculated the agreement for the subjects of the samples by evaluating the variability of their differences. Results: CI children perceived the QoL differently and with lower scores compared to children with A in the different scales linked to the KINDL questionnaire. There was a “good agreement” between the self-reports of children with IC and A, and the parental reports of children with IC and A in the total QoL (.65). Conclusion: The findings of this study can be used to create family counseling strategies on the social and educational needs of children of IC and A.
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