The caloric test


Introduction and objective: Caloric test has been the most important test of vestibular function for the last century. A practical approach, including special recommendations for a more accurate completion and interpretation of this test are proposed. Method: Narrative statement. Results and discussion: The caloric test is limited to horizontal canal function and there are not absolute normative values. Thus, the procedures for administering the caloric test and for analysing the responses should be settled with caution. For accurate interpretation of the caloric test, the validity of the results must be stablished first, ruling out artefacts and technical errors. Conclusions: Caloric test is still a sensitive test for detecting common vestibular abnormalities, mainly due to its ability to point to the pathologic labyrinth. But the information from the caloric test must be used along with history, physical examination and other test to make a diagnosis and devise management plans.
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Author Biographies

Paz Pérez-Vázquez

Hospital Universitario de Cabuieñes. Gijón
Servicio de ORLHospital de CabueñesCalle Los Prados, 395, 33394 Gijón, Asturias

Virginia Franco-Gutiérrez

Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. Santander
Servicio de ORLAv. Valdecilla, 25, 39008 Santander, Cantabria