First steps in the Computarized Dynamic Posturography


Introduction and objective: The Computarized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) is a technique that will allow us to quantify in an objective way, how the different diseases affect patients postural stability and its evolution. Method: Narrative revision. Results: In this paper we will review how the different CDP tests are performed and analyzed; and its diagnostic-therapeutic utility in otorhinolaryngological practice. Discussion and conclusión: The Computarized Dynamic Posturography is a diagnostic and therapeutic test that allows to quantify objectively and reproducible patient stability. And provides relevant information for planning the rehabilitation treatment, as well as to monitor its evolution.
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Author Biographies

Cristina Cordero-Civantos

SACYL. Hospital Universitario de Burgos
Servicio ORL y PCF

María Isabel Calle-Cabanillas

SACYL. Hospital Universitario de Burgos
Servicio ORL y PCF.