Unusual case of intentional ingestion of foreign body in patient with parasuicidal behavior


Introduction: In developing countries the problem of foreign bodies in Otorhinolaryngology Services is poorly studied. Intake of a foreign body is relatively common in children, but it can occur in adults with mental disorders or in inmates. Description: A patient with psychiatric problems who ingested a metallic object. In the psychiatric evaluation, an anxiety crisis was diagnosed after a family conflict. Extraction with esophagoscopy without complications was performed. Discussion: Voluntary (intentional) intake of an object commonly occurs in patients with psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia, mental retardation, or in the inmate population. However, the intake of a large foreign body is linked to a parasuicidal behavior. Conclusions: The presence of a foreign body should always be suspected in patients with psychiatric disorders with odynophagia in the absence of pharyngotonsillitis infection
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Author Biographies

Mahomed Sidique Abdul Cadar Dadá

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. Maputo. Mozambique
Medico ORL, Maestro de Salud Publica, PhD en MorfologiaDirector Clinico da Clinica ShifaaProfessor Auxiliar de Anatomia Humana da UEM e ISCTEM3o Vogal do Colegio de ORLMembro de la comission de certificacion de ORL

Alfonso Rodríguez-Baeza

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Catedratico de La Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona