T-cell nasal lymphoma / Natural Killer. Case report

  • Miguel Alberto Rodríguez-Pérez
    hospital universitario puerto real. cádiz otomiguel[at]hotmail.es
  • Antonio Sanmartín-Caballero
  • Mª Carmen Salom-Coveñas


Introduction and objective: To state the severity shown by this pathology, updating its more appropriate diagnosis and therapeutic methods. Despite its typical bad prognosis, we can show that favorable cases exist. Description: 43-year-old male suffering nasal obstruction and epistaxis, whose endoscopy reveals an erosive, bleeding and voluminous mass. Results: 3-year-survival, up to now. Discussion: Rare entity in western countries, but more frequent in Asia, that has been treated in different ways all along the years. However, except in unusual cases, prognosis is fateful. Serious complications, even as a result of treatment, can come up and lead to death. Conclusions: Unusual and of a poor prognosis entity, without a standardized treatment. However, there are chances of a good response to it, with satisfactory prospects of the survival rate.
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Rodríguez-Pérez, M. A., Sanmartín-Caballero, A., & Salom-Coveñas, M. C. (2017). T-cell nasal lymphoma / Natural Killer. Case report. Revista ORL, 8(4), 259–262. https://doi.org/10.14201/orl.16861

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