Dealing with Artificial Intelligence and the Editorial Process. The current and future influence of AI on the editorial process of biomedical journals
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Ali O, Abdelbaki W, Shrestha A, Elbasi E, Alryalat MAA, Dwivedi YK. A systematic literature review of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector: Benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities. J Innov Knowl. 1 de enero de 2023;8(1):100333.
Fiorillo L, Mehta V. Accelerating editorial processes in scientific journals: Leveraging AI for rapid manuscript review. Oral Oncol Rep. 1 de junio de 2024;10:100511.
Fornalik M, Makuch M, Lemanska A, Moska S, Wiczewska M, Anderko I, et al. Rise of the machines: trends and challenges of implementing AI in biomedical scientific writing. Explor Digit Health Technol. 4 de septiembre de 2024;2(5):235-48.
Hirani R, Noruzi K, Khuram H, Hussaini AS, Aifuwa EI, Ely KE, et al. Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: A Journey through History, Present Innovations, and Future Possibilities. Life. mayo de 2024;14(5):557.
Hulsen T. Literature analysis of artificial intelligence in biomedicine. Ann Transl Med. Diciembre de 2022;10(23):1284.
International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. Junio de 2010;1(1):42.
Kumar D, Malin BA, Vishwanatha JK, Wu L, Hedges JR. AI in Biomedicine—A Forward-Looking Perspective on Health Equity. Int J Environ Res Public Health. diciembre de 2024;21(12):1642.
Lazarus EF. Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Editorial Tools: Case Studies. Sci Ed [Internet]. 21 de diciembre de 2021 [citado 2 de marzo de 2025];44(4). Disponible en:
Peh WCG, Saw A. Artificial Intelligence: Impact and Challenges to Authors, Journals and Medical Publishing. Malays Orthop J. noviembre de 2023;17(3):1.
Rong G, Mendez A, Bou Assi E, Zhao B, Sawan M. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Review and Prediction Case Studies. Engineering. 1 de marzo de 2020;6(3):291-301.
Senthil R, Anand T, Somala CS, Saravanan KM. Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in healthcare research: Trends and future directions. Future Healthc J. 3 de septiembre de 2024;11(3):100182.
Vincent JL. How artificial intelligence will affect the future of medical publishing. Crit Care. 6 de julio de 2023;27(1):271.
Colomer M. La Inteligencia Artificial en las Editoriales Científicas [Internet]. MDPI Blog - En Español. 2024 [citado 13 de octubre de 2024]. Disponible en:
Pardal-Refoyo JL. Leo, comprendo, escribo. Rev ORL. 17 de marzo de 2023;14(1):e31221-e31221.
Pardal-Refoyo JL. La revisión de artículos es una actividad humana. Rev ORL. 25 de marzo de 2024;15(1):e31982-e31982.
Fiorillo L, Mehta V. Accelerating editorial processes in scientific journals: Leveraging AI for rapid manuscript review. Oral Oncol Rep. 1 de junio de 2024;10:100511.
Fornalik M, Makuch M, Lemanska A, Moska S, Wiczewska M, Anderko I, et al. Rise of the machines: trends and challenges of implementing AI in biomedical scientific writing. Explor Digit Health Technol. 4 de septiembre de 2024;2(5):235-48.
Hirani R, Noruzi K, Khuram H, Hussaini AS, Aifuwa EI, Ely KE, et al. Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: A Journey through History, Present Innovations, and Future Possibilities. Life. mayo de 2024;14(5):557.
Hulsen T. Literature analysis of artificial intelligence in biomedicine. Ann Transl Med. Diciembre de 2022;10(23):1284.
International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. Junio de 2010;1(1):42.
Kumar D, Malin BA, Vishwanatha JK, Wu L, Hedges JR. AI in Biomedicine—A Forward-Looking Perspective on Health Equity. Int J Environ Res Public Health. diciembre de 2024;21(12):1642.
Lazarus EF. Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Editorial Tools: Case Studies. Sci Ed [Internet]. 21 de diciembre de 2021 [citado 2 de marzo de 2025];44(4). Disponible en:
Peh WCG, Saw A. Artificial Intelligence: Impact and Challenges to Authors, Journals and Medical Publishing. Malays Orthop J. noviembre de 2023;17(3):1.
Rong G, Mendez A, Bou Assi E, Zhao B, Sawan M. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Review and Prediction Case Studies. Engineering. 1 de marzo de 2020;6(3):291-301.
Senthil R, Anand T, Somala CS, Saravanan KM. Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in healthcare research: Trends and future directions. Future Healthc J. 3 de septiembre de 2024;11(3):100182.
Vincent JL. How artificial intelligence will affect the future of medical publishing. Crit Care. 6 de julio de 2023;27(1):271.
Colomer M. La Inteligencia Artificial en las Editoriales Científicas [Internet]. MDPI Blog - En Español. 2024 [citado 13 de octubre de 2024]. Disponible en:
Pardal-Refoyo JL. Leo, comprendo, escribo. Rev ORL. 17 de marzo de 2023;14(1):e31221-e31221.
Pardal-Refoyo JL. La revisión de artículos es una actividad humana. Rev ORL. 25 de marzo de 2024;15(1):e31982-e31982.
Pardal-Refoyo, J. L. (2025). Dealing with Artificial Intelligence and the Editorial Process. The current and future influence of AI on the editorial process of biomedical journals. Revista ORL, 16(1), e32967.
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