Vestibular disorders in patients under 20 years of age. Descriptive study

  • Iván Doménech-Máñez
    Hospital General Universitari de Castelló: Castellon de la Plana, Comunidad Valenciana, ES ivandoma91[at]
  • Rosana Almela-Cortés
    Hospital General Universitari de Castelló: Castellon de la Plana, Comunidad Valenciana, ES
  • María Antón-Almero
    Hospital General Universitari de Castelló: Castellon de la Plana, Comunidad Valenciana, ES
  • Esteban Reig-Montaner
    Hospital General Universitari de Castelló: Castellon de la Plana, Comunidad Valenciana, ES
  • Javier Marcote-Icart
    Hospital General Universitari de Castelló: Castellon de la Plana, Comunidad Valenciana, ES
  • Marta Faubel-Serra
    Hospital General Universitari de Castelló: Castellon de la Plana, Comunidad Valenciana, ES


Introduction and objective: vertigo is a frequent symptom in the adult population, but much less common in children and adolescents. While the etiology of vertigo has been established with sufficient scientific evidence in adults, diagnosis at the age pediatric has not been described with the same strength due to a lower casuistry. The objectives of this article are to evaluate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of vestibular disorders in children and adolescents and conducting a literature review of the latest epidemiological studies on the matter. Method: our study is observational, retrospective, not randomized and carried out in the Otorhinolaryngology service of the General Hospital University of Castellón. We included 20 patients aged between 18 months and 20 years, who consulted for alterations in balance over 2 years (2017-2018). Results: Vestibular migraine (45%) was the most frequent condition in our study. series, followed by benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood (30%). The disease of Ménière, vestibular neuritis or vestibular paroxysmia, were less frequent. Conclusions: Vertigo in children and adolescents is a relatively common complaint. common, despite being underestimated in clinical practice. It is a pathology of quite important since it is a problem that can influence the learning, concentration and even reading ability. Although the causes common causes of vertigo in children are vestibular migraine and vértigo paroxysmal of infancy, the etiologies are very numerous. On the other hand, the story clinical and otoneurological examination are essential in the diagnosis of disorders children's halls. And finally, radiological tests are necessary in those patients suggestive of centrality when presenting neurological symptoms, headaches persistent, or previous traumatic brain injury.  
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Doménech-Máñez, I., Almela-Cortés, R., Antón-Almero, M., Reig-Montaner, E., Marcote-Icart, J., & Faubel-Serra, M. (2022). Vestibular disorders in patients under 20 years of age. Descriptive study. Revista ORL, 13(4), e28412.


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