Endoscopic Dacriocystorrhynostomy


Introduction and objective: Nowadays, chronic patology of nasolacrimal system is often diagnosed and its surgical treatment is performed using external or endoscopic dacryocystorhynostomy. This article will discuss the indications, surgical technique, and complications of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy. Method: narrative review. Results and conclusions: The result of this review concludes with a success rate obtained with endoscopic DCR like the gold standard, the external DCR, showing advantages over this as to avoid the facial scar and the canalicular manipulation with posterior stenosis. Endoscopic DCR is a simple and quick surgical procedure, which is carried out with basic endoscopic equipment. Complications are rare and easy to solve.
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Fernandez Cascon, S., de las Heras Florez, P. ., Herrero Agustin, J., Santos Perez, J., Gil-Carcedo Sañudo, E., & Morales Medina, G. (2021). Endoscopic Dacriocystorrhynostomy. Revista ORL, 12(2), 19–25. https://doi.org/10.14201/orl.25603

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