Frontal sinus foreign body. A systematic review


Introduction and objective: Accidents with foreign bodies of all types have been described in most parts of the body. The presence of foreign bodies (FB) are common complaints in urgent and otorhinolaryngology consultations. The most common places are the natural head and neck cavities. The objective of this study is to know the situation of the foreign body in front sinus. Method: We conducted a search in PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus and WoS, selecting those articles in which the existence of foreign bodies in the frontal sinus was mentioned. Results: Of the 72 articles identified by means of information sources, 34 were excluded because they are not clinical cases, determining a selection of 38 clinical cases. Of these, 35 excluded for not complying with inclusion criteria. 3 Full-text articles assessed for eligibility. Of this, 2 Records excluded for not being related to the topic under study, only one case remaining. Discussion: Of the articles found there are few studies about foreign bodies located in frontal sinus. One of the first published cases dates from 1967, in Bristol, England. Conclusions: Accidents with foreign bodies are common in ENT clinical practice, however, in sinus location are very rare. The maxillary sinus is the most common site. Although the frontal sinus is more prominent on the face. Foreign bodies are rare. Most of them result from trauma by accident, gunshot or surgery or dental treatment. Accidents with foreign bodies are common in ENT clinical practice, however, in sinus location are very rare.
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Dadá, M. S. A. C., Dadá, Z. M. S., & Dadá, A. H. M. (2021). Frontal sinus foreign body. A systematic review. Revista ORL, 12(3), 261–265.

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Author Biographies

Mahomed Sidique Abdul Cadar Dadá

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Medico ORL, Maestro de Salud Publica, PhD en MorfologiaChefe de Servicio de Anatomia, UEMEx. Director Clinico da Clinica Shifaa (2015-2018)Professor Associado de Anatomia Humana da UEM3o Vogal do Colegio de ORLMembro de la comission de certificacion de ORL

Zulaikhah Mahomed Sidique Dadá

Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique ISCTEM
NOMBRE: Zulaikhah Mahomed Sidique  - APELLIDOS: DADÁ  E-MAIL: - ORCID (https): - CENTRO DE TRABAJO: ISCTEM - PAÍS: Mozambique

Abdul Habib Mahomed  Dadá

Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique ISCTEM
NOMBRE: Abdul Habib Mahomed  - APELLIDOS: DADÁ  E-MAIL: - ORCID (https): - CENTRO DE TRABAJO: ISCTEM - PAÍS: Mozambique