Tracheobronchial foreign body in southern Mozambique
Abstract Introduction and objective: In low-income countries, the situation of foreign bodies is relatively poorly studied. Although the literature is relatively scarce, published studies show that they represent an increasingly important public health problem. Material and methods: A retrospective study was conducted that used the collection and analysis of data available in the operating room books diagnosed as tracheobronchial consecutively for a period of 26 years (1983-2009) in Maputo Central Hospital (Mozambique). Results: 118 patients were studied. Of these, 21 were in the trachea (17.80%) and 97 in the bronchi (82.20%). Most patients observed were men (59.30%). The average age of the patients in this study was 4.39 years (mode 2, median 2.50; standard deviation 6.004, the range was 2 months to 45 years). There were more cases in 2-year-old children (19.5%). The seeds were the most frequent (31.40%), followed by plastic (26.30%) and metal (22%). There were 5 cases of complications. Conclusions: Although this study provides evidence that can be considered important from the point of view of public health, it should be considered that it is a hospital study with its own limitations. However, this study presents a unique compilation of cases of patients with foreign bodies in the airway that covers a relatively long period, which is an important source of information on the subject.
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1. Gregori D, Scarinzi C, Berchialla P, Snidero S, Rahim Y, Stancu A, et al. The cost of foreign body injuries in the upper aero-digestive tract: Need for a change from a clinical to a public health perspective? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2007;71:1391–8.
2. Silva Neto J, Lima J, Vitale R, Geminiani R. Corpos estranhos em Otorrinolaringologia- Levantamento do Hospital Monumento e Clínica Otorhinus. Arq Int Otorrinolaringol. 2007;11(3):305–10.
3. van As AB, du Toit N, Wallis L, Stool D, Chen X, Rode H. The South African experience with ingestion injury in children. Int Congr Ser. 2003;1254:287–93.
4. Figueiredo R, Azevedo A, Ávila Kós A, Tomita S. Complicaço?s de corpos estranhos em otorrinolaringologia: um estudo retrospectivo. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 2008;74(1):7–15.
5. Pardo Mateu L, Martinez P, Garcia J. Cuerpos extranos del area otorrinolaringologica en la infancia. Acta Pediatr Esp. 1998;56(5):286–90.
6. Iseh K, Yahaya M. Ear foreign bodies: Observations on the clinical profile in Sokoto, Nigeria. Ann Afr Med. 2008;7(1):18.
7. García J. CASO CLÍNICO. Cuerpos extraños en el tracto aerodigestivo infantil. El papel del otorrinolaringólogo pediatra. Acta Otorrinolaringol Cirugía Cabeza y Cuello. 2005;33(2):36–47.
8. Reichert T. Foreign bodies of the Larynx, trachea, and bronchi. In: Bluestone C, Stool S, editors. Pediatric Otolaryngology. Sauders Company, USA; 1983. p. 1302–11.
9. Gonçalves M, Cardoso S, Rodrigues A. Corpo estranho em via aérea. Pulmão RJ. 2011;20(2):54–8.
10. Mu L, He P, Sun D. Inhalation of foreign bodies in Chinese Children: A review of 400 cases. Laryngoscope. 1991;101:657–60.
11. Benito Navarro JR, Cuvillo Bernal A, Porras Alonso E. Cuerpos Extranos esofágicos: nuestra experinecia en diez anos. Acta Otorrinolaring Esp. 2003;54:281–5.
12. Murray A, Mahoney E, Holinger L. Foreign bodies of the airway and esophagus. In: Cummings CW FJM, editor. Pediatric Otolaryngology head & Neck Surgery. Baltimore: Mosby Year book (USA); 1989. p. 377-387.
13. Martinez V. Cuerpos extranos en otorrinopediatria. In: Sih T, Chinski A, RD E, Godinho R, editors. V Manual de Otorrinolaringologia Pediatrica de la IAPO. Sao Paulo; 2006. p. 62–4.
14. Altuntas B, Ayd?n Y, Eroglu A. Foreign Bodies in Trachea: A 25-years of Experience. Eurasian J Med. 2016;48(2):119–23.
15. Torres O. Cuerpos extraños laringotraquebronqueales. In: Temas de Otorrinolaringología (Dr Oscar Albesún) [Internet]. Habana: Infomed, Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas, Ministerio de Salud Pública.; 2011. Available from:
16. García A, Guzmán E, Batista F, Guzmán W. Cuerpos extrano en una Emergencia de Pediatria. Acta Medica Dominic. 1998;20(4):129–33.
17. Moideen S, Arun G, Mohan M, Afroze K. Fractured Tracheostomy Tube- An Unusual Foreign Body in Tracheobronchial Tree. Bengal J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;25(2):107–10.
18. Panda N, Sarvanan K, Panda N, Rao K, Batra Y. An uncommon bronchial foreign body. Paediatr Anaesth. 2006;16(3):353–5.
19. Murray A, Meyers A. Foreign Bodies of the Airway [Internet]. Medscape. 2019. Available from:
20. Melo G, Fonteles A, Esmeraldo C, Martins M, Cruz J. Residência pediátrica. 2015;5(1):24–6.
21. Castillo A. Cuerpos Extraños en Vías Aéreas. Revisión de Casos en el Hospital Escuela, durante el período 1985-1990. Rev Med Hondur. 1992;60:122–8.
22. Chinski A, Foltran F, Gregori D, Passali D, Bellussi L. Foreign Bodies Causing Asphyxiation in Children: the Experience of the Buenos Aires Paediatric ORL Clinic. J Int Med Res. 2010;38:655–60.
23. Mahafza T, Khader Y. Aspirated Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies: A Jordanian experience. ENT-Ear, Nose &Throat J. 2007;86(2):107–10.
24. Lone S, Lateef M. Foreign Body in Tracheobronchial Tree. JK Sci. 2004;6(2):77–80.
25. Rodríguez Sánchez I, Camacho Alonso J, Márquez Gámez E, Torres Sánchez M, Jurado Ortiz A. Cuerpos extranos intrabronquiales. In: III Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Urgencias en Pediatría de la AEP. An Esp Pediatr; 1997. p. 201–22.
26. Fraga A, dos Reis M, Zambon M, Toro I, Ribeiro J, Baracat E. Aspiração de corpo estranho em crianças: aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e tratamento broncoscópico. J Bras Pneumol. 2008;34(2):74–82.
27. Mallick M, Khan A, Al-Bassam A. Late Presentation of Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration in Children. J Trop Pediatr. 2005;51(3):145–8.
28. Gregori D, Salerni L, Scarinzi C, Morra B, Berchialla P, Snidero S, et al. Foreign bodies in the upper airways causing complications and requiring hospitalization in children aged 0–14 years: results from the ESFBI study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008;265:971–8.
29. Brkic F, Delibegovic-Dedic S, Hajdarovic D. Bronchoscopic removal of foreign bodies from children in Bosnia and Herzegovina: experience with 230 patients. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2001;60:193–6.
30. Trujillo M, Vilamizar J. Cuerpos extranos en vía aerodigestiva en los ninos. Experiencia de siete anos. Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz. MedUNAB. 2008;11(3):195–200.
31. Aydogan L, Tuncer U, Soylu L, Kiroglu M, Ozsahinoglu C. Rigid bronchoscopy for the suspicion of foreign body in the airway. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2006;70:823–8.
32. Marques M, Couto F, Fim L, Nogueirol R, Oliveira V. Broncoscopia rígida: a terapia do corpo estranho de vias aéreas. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 1997;63(6):551–6.
33. Sisenda T, Khwa-otsyula B, Wambani J. Management of tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies in children. East Afr Med J. 2002;79(11):580–3.
34. Anyanwu C. Foreign Body Airway Obstruction in Nigerian Children. J Trop Pediatr. 1985;31:170–3.
35. Merchant S, Kirtane M, Shah K, Karnik P. Foreign bodies in the bronchi (a 10 year review of 132 cases). J Postgr Med. 1984;30(4):219–23.
36. Tan H, Brown K, McGill T, Kenna M, Lund D, Healy G. Airway foreign bodies (FB): a 10-year. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol. 2000;56:91–9.
2. Silva Neto J, Lima J, Vitale R, Geminiani R. Corpos estranhos em Otorrinolaringologia- Levantamento do Hospital Monumento e Clínica Otorhinus. Arq Int Otorrinolaringol. 2007;11(3):305–10.
3. van As AB, du Toit N, Wallis L, Stool D, Chen X, Rode H. The South African experience with ingestion injury in children. Int Congr Ser. 2003;1254:287–93.
4. Figueiredo R, Azevedo A, Ávila Kós A, Tomita S. Complicaço?s de corpos estranhos em otorrinolaringologia: um estudo retrospectivo. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 2008;74(1):7–15.
5. Pardo Mateu L, Martinez P, Garcia J. Cuerpos extranos del area otorrinolaringologica en la infancia. Acta Pediatr Esp. 1998;56(5):286–90.
6. Iseh K, Yahaya M. Ear foreign bodies: Observations on the clinical profile in Sokoto, Nigeria. Ann Afr Med. 2008;7(1):18.
7. García J. CASO CLÍNICO. Cuerpos extraños en el tracto aerodigestivo infantil. El papel del otorrinolaringólogo pediatra. Acta Otorrinolaringol Cirugía Cabeza y Cuello. 2005;33(2):36–47.
8. Reichert T. Foreign bodies of the Larynx, trachea, and bronchi. In: Bluestone C, Stool S, editors. Pediatric Otolaryngology. Sauders Company, USA; 1983. p. 1302–11.
9. Gonçalves M, Cardoso S, Rodrigues A. Corpo estranho em via aérea. Pulmão RJ. 2011;20(2):54–8.
10. Mu L, He P, Sun D. Inhalation of foreign bodies in Chinese Children: A review of 400 cases. Laryngoscope. 1991;101:657–60.
11. Benito Navarro JR, Cuvillo Bernal A, Porras Alonso E. Cuerpos Extranos esofágicos: nuestra experinecia en diez anos. Acta Otorrinolaring Esp. 2003;54:281–5.
12. Murray A, Mahoney E, Holinger L. Foreign bodies of the airway and esophagus. In: Cummings CW FJM, editor. Pediatric Otolaryngology head & Neck Surgery. Baltimore: Mosby Year book (USA); 1989. p. 377-387.
13. Martinez V. Cuerpos extranos en otorrinopediatria. In: Sih T, Chinski A, RD E, Godinho R, editors. V Manual de Otorrinolaringologia Pediatrica de la IAPO. Sao Paulo; 2006. p. 62–4.
14. Altuntas B, Ayd?n Y, Eroglu A. Foreign Bodies in Trachea: A 25-years of Experience. Eurasian J Med. 2016;48(2):119–23.
15. Torres O. Cuerpos extraños laringotraquebronqueales. In: Temas de Otorrinolaringología (Dr Oscar Albesún) [Internet]. Habana: Infomed, Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas, Ministerio de Salud Pública.; 2011. Available from:
16. García A, Guzmán E, Batista F, Guzmán W. Cuerpos extrano en una Emergencia de Pediatria. Acta Medica Dominic. 1998;20(4):129–33.
17. Moideen S, Arun G, Mohan M, Afroze K. Fractured Tracheostomy Tube- An Unusual Foreign Body in Tracheobronchial Tree. Bengal J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2017;25(2):107–10.
18. Panda N, Sarvanan K, Panda N, Rao K, Batra Y. An uncommon bronchial foreign body. Paediatr Anaesth. 2006;16(3):353–5.
19. Murray A, Meyers A. Foreign Bodies of the Airway [Internet]. Medscape. 2019. Available from:
20. Melo G, Fonteles A, Esmeraldo C, Martins M, Cruz J. Residência pediátrica. 2015;5(1):24–6.
21. Castillo A. Cuerpos Extraños en Vías Aéreas. Revisión de Casos en el Hospital Escuela, durante el período 1985-1990. Rev Med Hondur. 1992;60:122–8.
22. Chinski A, Foltran F, Gregori D, Passali D, Bellussi L. Foreign Bodies Causing Asphyxiation in Children: the Experience of the Buenos Aires Paediatric ORL Clinic. J Int Med Res. 2010;38:655–60.
23. Mahafza T, Khader Y. Aspirated Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies: A Jordanian experience. ENT-Ear, Nose &Throat J. 2007;86(2):107–10.
24. Lone S, Lateef M. Foreign Body in Tracheobronchial Tree. JK Sci. 2004;6(2):77–80.
25. Rodríguez Sánchez I, Camacho Alonso J, Márquez Gámez E, Torres Sánchez M, Jurado Ortiz A. Cuerpos extranos intrabronquiales. In: III Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Urgencias en Pediatría de la AEP. An Esp Pediatr; 1997. p. 201–22.
26. Fraga A, dos Reis M, Zambon M, Toro I, Ribeiro J, Baracat E. Aspiração de corpo estranho em crianças: aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e tratamento broncoscópico. J Bras Pneumol. 2008;34(2):74–82.
27. Mallick M, Khan A, Al-Bassam A. Late Presentation of Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration in Children. J Trop Pediatr. 2005;51(3):145–8.
28. Gregori D, Salerni L, Scarinzi C, Morra B, Berchialla P, Snidero S, et al. Foreign bodies in the upper airways causing complications and requiring hospitalization in children aged 0–14 years: results from the ESFBI study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008;265:971–8.
29. Brkic F, Delibegovic-Dedic S, Hajdarovic D. Bronchoscopic removal of foreign bodies from children in Bosnia and Herzegovina: experience with 230 patients. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2001;60:193–6.
30. Trujillo M, Vilamizar J. Cuerpos extranos en vía aerodigestiva en los ninos. Experiencia de siete anos. Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz. MedUNAB. 2008;11(3):195–200.
31. Aydogan L, Tuncer U, Soylu L, Kiroglu M, Ozsahinoglu C. Rigid bronchoscopy for the suspicion of foreign body in the airway. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2006;70:823–8.
32. Marques M, Couto F, Fim L, Nogueirol R, Oliveira V. Broncoscopia rígida: a terapia do corpo estranho de vias aéreas. Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol. 1997;63(6):551–6.
33. Sisenda T, Khwa-otsyula B, Wambani J. Management of tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies in children. East Afr Med J. 2002;79(11):580–3.
34. Anyanwu C. Foreign Body Airway Obstruction in Nigerian Children. J Trop Pediatr. 1985;31:170–3.
35. Merchant S, Kirtane M, Shah K, Karnik P. Foreign bodies in the bronchi (a 10 year review of 132 cases). J Postgr Med. 1984;30(4):219–23.
36. Tan H, Brown K, McGill T, Kenna M, Lund D, Healy G. Airway foreign bodies (FB): a 10-year. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol. 2000;56:91–9.
Dadá, M. S. A. C., & Dadá, A. H. M. (2020). Tracheobronchial foreign body in southern Mozambique. Revista ORL, 12(2), 27–35.
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