Pott's Puffy tumor.Case report


Introduction and objective: Pott's puffy tumor is described as inflammation in the frontal region due to the formation of a subperiotic abscess and osteomyelitis of the frontal bone, due in most cases, to frontal sinusitis. It is common to see in adolescents. The goal of our study is to present a forgotten and uncommon diagnosis, as well as its description as an entity in the discussion of the most relevant articles of literature. Description: A 61-year-old male that had puncture headache at the right supraciliary level, without nasal respiratory failure and with anodyne fibroscopy. In the inspection there is an painful inflammation of the soft tissue with a small fistulization to the skin with purulent material.Frontal chronic sinusitis is observed in the CT. A continuity solution on its anterior wall that communicates the soft parts. Draf III of the right frontal sinus guided with neuronavigator, external combined approach and intrahospital vancomycin IV were used as treatment. Currently the patient is asymptomatic without infectious clinic. Discussion: Pott’s puffy tumor is a rare but potentially deadly complication of bacterial sinusitis that consists of subperiosteal abscess and osteomyelitis of the frontal bone. It is best diagnosed with computerized tomography with intravenous contrast or magnetic resonance imaging and treated with early broad-spectrum antibiotics and surgical intervention. It is necessary to know its pathophysiology and management, avoiding intracranial complications. Conclusions: early diagnosis of this entity, antibiotic and endoscopic treatment are essential to avoid the risk of progression towards serious neurological complications subsidiary to more aggressive surgical treatments.
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Salom-Coveñas, C., Benito-Navarro, J. R., Gutiérrez-Gallardo, A., & Porras-Alonso, E. (2020). Pott’s Puffy tumor.Case report. Revista ORL, 11(4), 467–472. https://doi.org/10.14201/orl.23019

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Carmen Salom-Coveñas

Adjunta del Hospital universitario de Puerto Real