Resources for dysphagia. Dietary adaptations in head and neck cancer


Introduction: Dysphagia is one of the most frequent symptoms in patients with head and neck cancer and the application of specific dietary measures will be of vital importance to optimize food intake. The objective is to know different levels of textures, volumes and viscosity of foods and liquids used in the design of modified texture diets and in which cases they would be recommended according to altered swallowing phase. Method: Practical workshop in the speech therapy laboratory of the Faculty of Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Nursing of the University of Castilla la Mancha. The workshop will be held by 40 people distributed in 8 tables for 5 people. The possible dietary adaptations of foods and liquids will be explained according to their texture, consistency and volume and the cases in which they would be recommended according to the altered swallowing phase. Subsequently, dietary adaptations will be made in traditional recipes, they will be assessed according to specific tests and the classification to which would correspond according to The National Dysphagia Diet: Standardization for Optimal Care (NDD) and The International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative IDDSI will be discussed. Results: The treatment of dysphagia requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes dietetics. The correct adaptation of the texture of the solid foods and the viscosity and volume of the liquids to the functional swallowing capacity of the patient, is key for the safety and the nutritional sufficiency. Conclusion: Dietary modifications help to improve and make swallowing safer and more effective, trying to ensure adequate nutritional adequacy. It is important to know and take into account the levels of consistency and volume that the patient tolerates to assign an adequate diet, but it will be of vital importance the collaboration of the patient and family involvement.
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Monforte Pérez, D. (2018). Resources for dysphagia. Dietary adaptations in head and neck cancer. Revista ORL, 9(7), 1,5.


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Author Biography

Diana Monforte Pérez

Universidad de Castilla la Mancha. Grado en Logopedia.
Profesora asociada Universidad Castilla la Mancha. Grado en Logopedia. Logopeda Centro Foniatría y Logopedia Dra. Bielsa. Talavera de la Reina. España. Logopeda Asociación de ayuda a la parálisis cerebral. Talavera de la Reina. España.