• Daniela Regina Sposito Dias Oliva
    Universidade de Passo Fundo Passo Fundo RS- Brazil danielaoliva[at]
  • Cintia Caroline Cesco Lazaroto
    Universidade do Contestado. Concórdia -Sc-Brazil
  • Carla Cristine Pagel Classen
    Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN).
  • Lazaro Juliano Teixeira
    Universidade Federal de São Paulo - SP
  • Nedi Magagnin
    Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN)
  • David Tesser Neto
    Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Porto Alegre -PUC RS
  • André Luís dos Santos Silva
    Instituto Brasileiro de Fisioterapia Vestibular e Equilíbrio (IBRAFIVE) – Rio de Janeiro/RJ.


Introduction: Dizziness has a high incidence in the world population, and IS the complain the main complaint after 65 years of age, present in about 80 percent of the population. Regarding to the origin, in 85 percent of the cases and it is located in the vestibular system and the REMAINING has exclusively ocular, neurological, psychic, metabolic or cardiovascular origins. Central or peripheral balance disorders tend to restrict activities and participation, reduce autonomy, and compromise safety in carrying out the activities of daily living, thus reducing patient functionality. Vestibular physiotherapy stands out as an accessible, efficient, resolutive and safe alternative for functional recovery. For this, specific and customized techniques are used, consisting of maneuvers, oculomotor exercises, static and dynamic balance, postural exercises and manual therapy, besides virtual reality and sensory stimulation. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the different otoneurological conditions, as well as to verify the approach and influence of the vestibular physiotherapeutic intervention in four distinct and individual independent services of vestibular physiotherapy in the south of Brazil. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out, which included the collection of information from medical records of patients attended by physiotherapists from four independent physiotherapy services in the southern region of Brazil, who underwent diagnosis and physical therapy treatment. The inclusion criteria were: charts, with complete information, of care PROCEDURES PERFORMED between June and December 2017; people with vestibular complaints (imbalance, dizziness, vertigo) and related symptoms; and as exclusion criteria, medical records with incomplete information. Results: Data from 218 medical records were included, mean age was 57.7 years and 79 percent were women. The complaint of episodic seizures was the most frequent (65 percent), followed by continuous discomfort (23 percent). Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) was the leading diagnosis (58 percent), followed by unilateral vestibular hyperfunction (19 percent), anxiety and cervical origin (12 percent), which totaled 89 percent of the sample. For this reason, the canalith repositioning maneuvers or Semont maneuver were the most performed conducts, followed by oculomotor exercises. The high improvement outcome was achieved in 83 percent of those treated, and only 10 percent dropped out. Conclusion: The most prevalent physiotherapy servises mainly found in this research were BPPV and Unilateral Vestibular Hyperfunction. These changes were principally treated with therapeutic maneuvers and personalized exercises throughout the follow-up. The cases in which the cervical region needed a specific approach had effective results. There was a high percentage of improvement and a low rate of abandonment.
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Oliva, D. R. S. D., Lazaroto, C. C. C., Classen, C. C. P., Teixeira, L. J., Magagnin, N., Tesser Neto, D., & Silva, A. L. dos S. (2018). PERSONALIZED VESTIBULAR PHYSIOTHERAPY: DATA ANALYSIS OF FOUR PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINICS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL. Revista ORL, 9(7), 1.7.

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Author Biographies

Daniela Regina Sposito Dias Oliva

Universidade de Passo Fundo Passo Fundo RS- Brazil
Fisioterapeuta neurofuncional e vestibular (MSc). Docente da Universidade do Contestado, Concórdia/SC. Fisioterapeuta na Clínica Tesser de Otorrinolaringologia. Membro da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN). Endereço: Rua Victor Sopelsa 3000, Salete. Concórdia-SC 

Cintia Caroline Cesco Lazaroto

Universidade do Contestado. Concórdia -Sc-Brazil
Aluna de graduação em Fisioterapia. Universidade do Contestado - UnC Concórdia - SC, Brasil. 

Carla Cristine Pagel Classen

Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN).
Fisioterapeuta neurofuncional e vestibular (Esp.). Membro da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN). Rua Assis Brasil 401 Santa Cruz do Sul.

Lazaro Juliano Teixeira

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - SP
Fisioterapeuta neurofuncional e vestibular (MSc). Atua na Prefeitura Municipal de Balneário Camboriú/SC. Mestre em Ciências UNIFESP/SP Especialista Profissional em Fisioterapia Neurofuncional e Fisioterapia Traumato Ortopédica Funcional (ABRAFIN). Diretor Administrativo da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN).  R México, 875, B Nações, Balneário Camboriú, SC.

Nedi Magagnin

Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN)
Fisioterapeuta Neurofuncional e vestibular(Esp.). Coordenadora do Setor de Fisioterapia do Serviço de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia/SNN. Membro da Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Neurofuncional (ABRAFIN). Endereço:Rua Teixeira Soares, 640, Centro. Passo Fundo-RS 

David Tesser Neto

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Porto Alegre -PUC RS
Médico otorrinolaringologista (Esp.) Diretor da Clínica Tesser Otorrinolaringologia. Concórdia SC

André Luís dos Santos Silva

Instituto Brasileiro de Fisioterapia Vestibular e Equilíbrio (IBRAFIVE) – Rio de Janeiro/RJ.
Fisioterapeuta Vestibular (D.Sc). – Diretor do Instituto Brasileiro de Fisioterapia Vestibular e Equilíbrio (IBRAFIVE) – Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Membro Fundación Iberoamericana de Neuro-Otología (F.I.N.O.) e da Bárány Society. 