Spontaneus neck haematoma in anticoagulated patient


79 Year-old male who is anticoagulated because of an atrial fibrillation goes to the emergency room. He shows a big  haematoma in the anterior neck región which appears in the las 24 hours. He does not reffer a previous injury. He also shows dysphonia and he does not feel respiratory distress.We can see a soft haematoma and there is not crepitation. In the endoscopy there is a pharingo-larynx haematoma that does not allow you t osee the glotic área. We decide that the patient has to stay ah the hospital given the severity of the diagnosis. He has been treated with corticosteroids. We also ask for help to the haematology service of the hospital.The patient shows clinical improvement and the haematoma finally dissapears.
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Yáñez González, R., De Prado San José, M. del M., Martín Bailón, M., González Sánchez, M., Coscarón Blanco, E., & Pérez Liedo, C. (2018). Spontaneus neck haematoma in anticoagulated patient. Revista ORL, 9(6), 3.14. https://doi.org/10.14201/orl.18272

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Author Biographies

Raquel Yáñez González

Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora
LEA OtorrinolaringologíaServicio de Otorrinolaringología y patología cervico-facial

Mª del Mar De Prado San José

Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora
LEA OtorrinolaringologíaServicio de Otorrinolaringología y patología cervico-facial

María Martín Bailón

Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora
LEA OtorrinolaringologíaServicio de Otorrinolaringología y patología cervico-facial

Myriam González Sánchez

Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora
LEA OtorrinolaringologíaServicio de Otorrinolaringología y patología cervico-facial

Enrique Coscarón Blanco

Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora
LEA OtorrinolaringologíaServicio de Otorrinolaringología y patología cervico-facial

Cruz Pérez Liedo

Hospital Virgen de la Concha de Zamora
LEA OtorrinolaringologíaServicio de Otorrinolaringología y patología cervico-facial