Virtual agent organizations to optimize energy consumption in households

  • Emilio J. Sánchez
    University of Salamanca emiliojsanchez[at]
  • Francisco Jaramago
    University of Salamanca
  • Manuel López
    University of Salamanca


Global warming affects us all, that is why we must all act to stop it. It has been shown that this undoubted problem can be solved to a large extend if we make small individual efforts. How can we do this? Making prudent use of electricity. If we manage to make more efficient use of the energy we consume in our homes, we will contribute enormously in this common cause. With the help of virtual agents, we will get a better management of the energy we consume.
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Sánchez, E. J., Jaramago, F., & López, M. (2019). Virtual agent organizations to optimize energy consumption in households. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 8(1), 37–47.


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