The invention of the building industry in Britain


How a universal, empirical craftbased activity has been turned into a globalized industry following government intervention in the housing market after World War I, and the emergence of building science and housing statistics in response. Evolution of statistics into construction economics, through which the performance of construction in the economy, may be measured. Wartime merging of modernist architecture and building science ideas within a command economy are developed. Post-war academic and institutional success of building science and economics and the emergence of international elites are studied. Consolidation of and persistence of the industrial paradigm of construction are explained.
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Rabeneck, A. (2011). The invention of the building industry in Britain. ArtefaCToS. Revista De Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La tecnología, 4, 93–121. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Andrew Rabeneck

Imperial College London - ICL
CHoSTM. Central Library. Imperial College London – ICL. Exhibition Road – London - SW7 2AZ – Reino Unido