The Creation of the Other: Manuel II Palaeologus before the Turkish Threat, 1389-1399


This study analyzes the way in which the Eastern Roman Empire confronted one of the deepest political and ideological crisis. The reason was the Turkish pression to those who not only had fought by arms, but also with the creation of a discourse that by one side legitimated the Roman position and by other discredited the adversary. This was the task in which the emperor Manuel II Palaeologus engaged himself. In his work the enemy has some negative features and is dehumanized by a moral discourse, comparing barbarity and civilization, and reaching the Christians collaborating with the Turks.
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Martínez Carrasco, C. (2019). The Creation of the Other: Manuel II Palaeologus before the Turkish Threat, 1389-1399. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 37(2), 73–92.


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Author Biography

Carlos Martínez Carrasco

Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada