Estremadura Rural Elite in the Late Middle Ages. The Shepherd Juan Rubio († 1499)


Juan Rubio, shepherd of the cows at the Monastery of Guadalupe, has at the time of his death a valuable livestock. His annual expenses in the rent of meadows are high. He also does small loans, in many cases to poor people and women. The case of Juan Rubio shows us the development of rural elite of humble origin in the crown of Castile during the 15th century.
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Clemente Ramos, J. (2012). Estremadura Rural Elite in the Late Middle Ages. The Shepherd Juan Rubio († 1499). Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 29, 229–246. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Julián Clemente Ramos

Depto. De Historia. Facultad de Letras. Universidad de Extremadura. Campus Universitario. E-10071 Cáceres (España)