Dental Anthropology as a research tool for Megalithic populations: early results from the dolmen of La Cabaña (Burgos)


The anthropological study of the megalithic ossuaries is frequently hampered by the excessive fragmentation and anatomical disconnection of bone remains, which is an obstacle when it comes to making reliable population characterizations. For this reason, the dentition is presented as a viable source of study due to a better conservation against other skeletal elements, offering in addition valuable information about the lifestyles of ancient populations. The collection of the ossuary of the dolmen of La Cabaña, located in Sargentes de la Lora, Burgos, is studied by applying a series of paleo-stomatological indicators commonly used in dental anthropology. The results reflect dietary patterns typical of incipient agricultural societies, with certain consumption of cariogenic foods, but also suggest the use of wild and livestock resources. On the other hand, no major differences have been detected between permanent and decidous dentition, which could suggest similar consumption habits between both age groups.
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Santa Cruz, A. (2020). Dental Anthropology as a research tool for Megalithic populations: early results from the dolmen of La Cabaña (Burgos). Zephyrvs, 86, 219–238.


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