• Bashar Mustafa
    Universidad de Albaath bbmusta[at]
  • María Chávet Lozoya
    Universidad de Granada


In this article we will describe and analyze three marble sarcophagi that were recently unearthed from a hypogeal tomb; rescue excavations were conducted by the Direction-General of Antiquities (Damascus; Tartus) at al-Bayada necropolis, belonging to the ancient city of Amr?t, Syria. The coffins date from the late second to third centuries ad and resemble each other in their iconography. Stylistically, they are all of the “garland” type, decorated with several significant motifs and symbols. They were probably crafted in Asia Minor for a local wealthy family during this region’s occupation by the Roman Empire in its latter period. As such, this discovery contributes to amplify the number of coffins we have and to the understanding of the function and character of Roman iconography and significance in this part of southern Syria, it may allow us to do some reflections and shades light on the Roman funerary landscape. On the other hand that find could contribute to extent the study on the Roman iconography developed at Southern area of Syria.Besides the information on the production of this type of materials, on having treated itself about a finding in situ, one might derive information about the funeral local rituals. All this will allow us to realize a series of reflections and to be making the funeral landscape and to penetrate into the knowledge of the rituals of burial into this territory, which archaeological interventions are still very scanty.
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Author Biographies

Bashar Mustafa

Universidad de Albaath
Dpto. de Historia. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Univ. de Albaath, Homs (Siria)

María Chávet Lozoya

Universidad de Granada
Dpto. de Historia Medieval y Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Campus de Cartuja. C/ Profesor Clavera, s/n. 18071 Granada, España