Contribution to the study of the geographical distribution of Pyrenean funerary stone circles (baratze, cromlech) in the western Pyrenees

  • Jose Miguel Edeso Fito
    Universidad del País Vasco josemiguel.edeso[at]
  • Idoia Goikoetxea Zabaleta
    Universidad de Granada
  • Ane Lopetegi Galarraga
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Erik Arévalo Muñoz
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Íñigo Orue
    Universidad del País Vasco
  • Luis Mari Zaldua
    Comisión de Onomástica de Euskaltzaindia.
  • Jose Antonio Mujika Alustiza
    Universidad del País Vasco


‘Baratze’ or Pyrenean funerary stone circles, also known as Pyrenean cromlech, are funerary cremation monuments constructed between the Late Bronze Age and the beginning of the Roman period. These monuments consist of small circles, which consist of isolated standing stone blocks that enclose a central funerary deposit. The densest geographical distribution of Pyrenean funerary stone circles is located east of the Leizaran river and the lower basin of the Oria river up to approximately Andorra. Pyrenean cromlechs are located across mountain chains and occasionally share space with other funerary monuments constructed between the Middle Neolithic period and the Bronze Age –dolmens and cists–, whereas in other locations, cromlechs appear to be established in previously unoccupied mountain zones in an approximately continuous fashion by groups of farmers. The discovery of some Pyrenean circles in Ondarre and Beaskin (Sierra de Aralar), away from the nuclear zone and in a space continuously exploited since the Neolithic period, as indicated by the presence of other funerary monuments –dolmens and cists–, generates new questions regarding their distribution and the reasons for distinct densities of these rituals in some areas of the nuclear zone. Therefore, we propose different explanatory hypotheses, adapted to the distinct circumstances, as lithology, history, etc.
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Edeso Fito, J. M., Goikoetxea Zabaleta, I., Lopetegi Galarraga, A., Arévalo Muñoz, E., Orue, Íñigo, Zaldua, L. M., & Mujika Alustiza, J. A. (2016). Contribution to the study of the geographical distribution of Pyrenean funerary stone circles (baratze, cromlech) in the western Pyrenees. Zephyrvs, 77, 193–205.


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Author Biographies

Jose Miguel Edeso Fito

Universidad del País Vasco
Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería, upv-ehu. C/ Nieves Cano, 12. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Idoia Goikoetxea Zabaleta

Universidad de Granada
Laboratorio de Antropología. Dpto. de Medicina Legal, Toxicología y Antropología Física. Facultad de Medicina. Avda. Madrid, 11. 18071 Granada

Ane Lopetegi Galarraga

Universidad del País Vasco
Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería, upv-ehu. C/ Nieves Cano, 12. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Erik Arévalo Muñoz

Universidad del País Vasco
Facultad de Letras, upv-ehu. C/ Tomás y Valiente, s/n. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Íñigo Orue

Universidad del País Vasco
Facultad de Letras, upv-ehu. C/ Tomás y Valiente, s/n. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Luis Mari Zaldua

Comisión de Onomástica de Euskaltzaindia.
Comisión de Onomástica de Euskaltzaindia

Jose Antonio Mujika Alustiza

Universidad del País Vasco
Facultad de Letras, upv-ehu. C/ Tomás y Valiente, s/n. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz.