A new red figure in El Buxu Cave (Cangas de Onís, Asturias)


This brief article has for objet to present the fortuitous discovery of a red animal in El Buxu cave (Asturias). This is the silhouette of a quadruped with only one leg by pair without extremities drawn by a slightly modelling thick line. Due to the bad conservation, the represented species is difficult to identify: it might be a cervid or more probably an aurochs. This preliminary note presents only some photos and a sketch of reading, but a complete study will probably allow to identify the species of the animal and to precise its stylistic characteristics. This figurative representation with its stylistic features adds a new interest to the red traces already known in El Buxu cave in the context of the ante-Magdalenian caves of the Cantabrian Region.
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Author Biography

Georges Sauvet

Université de Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès
Centre de Recherche et d’Études pour l’Art Préhistorique (CREAP). Laboratoire traces (umr 56-08). Université de Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès. Maison de la Recherche. Allée Antonio Machado. f-31100 Toulouse-Cedex, Francia